A Great Movie!

Central do Brasil is the best brazilian movie ever made. Fernanda Montenegro was great rolling Dora. It´s better than La Vitta è Bella.


City of god is the best brazilian film ever made, but i've only seen these two and Salles' Behind the sun, which was boring and predictable. central station was very good - made you care about 2 nasty people (a brat and a con woman). but city of god is fantastic.



brat i would consider u a brat, in brazil the brat u call work harder then you in the street selling candy or shoe shining, u americans think they are brat well i believe none of u would have the courage to go to my city and try to live their lifes,so i would think before writing,


The movie was La Vita È Bella, one t, and there is no point in comparing the two films. They are both beautiful, quality films in their own right that just happen to be "foreign" films. This same rule of thumb applies to the comparision between Cidade de Deus and Central do Brasil. They just happen to both be Brazilian films that are exceptionally good. Beyond that, they have little worth comparing. For this reason, I can't pick a favorite between the two (or even the three); I love different things about all of them. I love the sweet child like charm of Benigni in La Vita È Bella and his ability to make the best of any situation along with the realism and dark beauty of the two Brazilian films.


Amazing! I own this on DVD (very proud! lol) It's a masterpiece. One of my fave movies of all time!

"Shut up, I can have you killed" Eoin McLove - (Father Ted) Episode - 'Night of The Almost Dead'


This same rule of thumb applies to the comparision between Cidade de Deus and Central do Brasil. They just happen to both be Brazilian films that are exceptionally good. Beyond that, they have little worth comparing.

There is one more thing that binds these two excellent (but I agree, quite different) films together: Walter Salles. I had no idea he was one of the producers behind Cidade de Deus! I just noticed. You probably already know, so forgive me for pointing out the obvious... :-)

I really liked Motorcycle diaries too. Not as good as Central do Brasil, in my opinion, but quite lovely still.

In short: I just wanted to post the following:

Walter Salles - what a guy! Cental do Brasil - what a film!

Everything is fine! I was just swinging from a chandelier without a seat belt. - B Monkey


I just watched this again the other day, I love the way this film was written and performed, especially the way in which it captured fernando's character trying to save and help the orphaned boy yet it was the orphaned boy that rescued her - from her loneliness. Fernando Montenegro - I hadn't a clue who she was before I watched this film but she is such an amazing actor.


Both films are great, I am from Brazil and but I have to say that Life is Beautiful is better and should won the Oscar ( but it just won because american soldires save the kid), anyway it is better and so Fernanda Montenegro was better than Paltrow. It wold be nice two non american actor won the academy awards that year


100% agree!


I liked the film more then city of god

my favorite films://www.imdb.com/list/iFa7p7uwsr8/


It surely is.
