MovieChat Forums > Central do Brasil (1998) Discussion > Old asian movie very alike this one

Old asian movie very alike this one

This movie has literally the same storyline of a much older Japanese ( or perhaps chinese) movie. The boy gets lost in a big city, meets up with a rude man, this rude man travels thousands of kilometres with the boy in search of his parents. Many things happen to them along the way.

Walter Salles makes very small changes to make it a different movie but much of it is the same. I find the asian one superior to the brazilian version. Don't get me wrong, Central Station is a good movie but I just wished I knew the name of the asian one. If anyone has seen this movie please do tell. I have no doubt Walter was inspired by that asian movie.

I was lucky to watch this asian movie around 1 am in the morning, it only had english subtitles. Movies like these deserve to be shown to the masses.


Hi, the movie is 'Kikujiro', it's Japanese. Directed by the eponymous Takeshi Kitano.


thank you


You probably figured this out already, but Central Station was filmed first.


So it wasn't exactly an old movie then! hahaha


"I have no doubt Walter was inspired by that asian movie".
It is absolutely the inverse of this.

Central Station: 1998 (the oldest)
Kikujirô no natsu: 1999 (the copy?)

Central Station: 29 wins & 9 nominations.
Kikujirô no natsu: 4 wins & 3 nominations


and the treatment of the movies are a world apart....only thing slightly similar is the storyline.....
i prefered central do brasil's ending........kikujiro was a lighter movie not too far behind though...


I see a lot of influences from Yasujiro Ozu in Walter Salles work and without reading anything about it It's obvious that "Central Do Brasil" is inspired by Ozu's "The Record of a Tenement Gentleman" ! More than Kitano's "Kikujiro" if you ask me...:)


yes you are right, Ozu's "Nagaya shinshiroku" (1947) may be the old asian movie that the OP referred to, rather than Kikujiro.


There's nothing in common b/w CS and Kikujiro. He must have had something else in mind.

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