I've got a question.

Why did the truck driver leave Dora and the little boy in restaurant?
My sister thought the reason was that the little boy said women in Janeiro had sex with many men before marriage so the driver was fightened and then left.
But I thought the reason was that the truck driver didn't love Dora.
Which do you guys think was the true reason?


Well, I guess it's left open to interpretation. And your and your sisters interpretations are good ones. I thought that it was because Dora was too eager and too willing towards the truck driver. As he driver is very religious man, it scared him off. But maybe mine, yours and your sister's interpretation can be tied to each other. Maybe that's the most logical explanation.


I think there was not ONE reason to the truck driver leave Dora and the boy. Her bad reputation must be ADDS to the driver's feeling, not romantic enough, and there are a possibility that he prefers younger women.


The Driver was protestant, and he was afraid, because Dora started flirting, and he lived alone all life, so i think the reason is the fear in change his life ....


I don't agree on either one.
Truck driver left Dora because he fell in love with her BUT as he said when they just met he's a man "married to the road". He's been used to single life, he can't imagine what "life with a WOMAN" will be. He's a afraid of changing his life pattern.

2nd, he feel that Dora might break a lot of his principles if he stay with her. For example, his view of sex, he doesn't drink, he saw Dora steal things, etc. all these things are out of his world. If he accept Dora, he had to accept all these things that he doesn't know how to deal with.

That's why he decided to escape from Dora even though they loves each other and they know this true love for sure.


I think it's because she's as ugly as sin


I thought it was because he knew that he was "married to the road" and couldn't possibly fulfill that role as the man in her life.

I hadn't even thought about the stealing,since he didn't seem the least bit upset by it. That could be part of the reason also.



good answer!


He was religious. When he said he shouldn't drink, she said: "I'm sure God isn't looking at you". This and the stealing made he want to leave. But how could he leave them? What would he say? So e took the oportunity I guess..


I found it interesting how fast the driver finished his drink. Maybe i am reading too much into it but i suspect that wasnt his first drink and that dora was not his first encounter with a women.


To understand "Central do Brasil" you must understand that his director (Walter Salles) is a bankeer's son was educated in a french school (Franco-Brasileiro) and have no idea of how Brasil is. He has an outside vision of Brasil a foreign vison (thats why his odd vision makes so much success)
So..any speculation from outside is much better than any from "insiders"...but forget AIDS and moral etc etc. He is bad but the book is not this bad


We watched this movie for a film class, and my TA, during a class discussion, stated that it was probably because he was afraid of straying from his religious "straight and narrow" path, which makes sense with all the jesus symbols on the truck, and all of the religious references in the entire film. Personally, however, I think it was a pretty cruel thing to do to a destitute woman and boy just b/c you're scared. He seemed like such a sweet guy, so why didn't he just turn her down? That's a pretty mean thing to do, if you ask me.

"Oh lovely line between day and dream"


Religion in most South American countries is not taken seriously. In fact much less than most US communities
It is difficult to explain...
Is like some icons.
Nobody wouldbe offended (less Salles who has no connection with religion) with any kind of religious reference.
To understand better
Take for exemple the Englsh Queen
Does she have any power? (i mean of decision regarding UK politics)
As far as we know she dont.
But e nobody discuss this...She is tradition but not taken seriously

Same is religion (churches)
Most peoplehas a personal belive if you ask to them. They will say...Oh I belive in a "superior power" but not in religions


You may have some points, but man, what about the protestants?

I mean, they take religion super seriously, and he said he was a protesant, I know many of them and they take many things on the Bible literally, and also have strong moral convictions and for me, strange habits (The way they dress, women don't cut their hair, etc). I don't know where did you get this idea that people don't take religion seriously, since we have Edir Macedo and Silas Malafaia using religion as a way to profit (But that's another subject).

Let the chips fall where they may


I thought for the truck driver it was all a bit too much too soon, all the attention from Dora.

I also remember he knew they had stolen some food and as a religious person he didn't look pleased with them at that point.

Maybe he could see that the goodbye was going to be long and emotional and thought a fast clean break would be best.

Anyway, some good other ideas here too.


South America was pretty much a Roman Catholic continent for centuries. Recently, Evangelical Protestants have made major inroads.

The driver was "married to the road", but I think offended by Dora offering him some of her beer. Many Evangelical Christians refrain from drinking alcohol, but some do it on occasion. Dora acted more seductive toward him than he felt appropriate and frankly was frightened by her behavior.

He realized that no long term relationship was possible, and he left quickly.
