Love therapy movies

This was one of the best therapy movies along with 'Ordinary People'abd 'Good Will Hunting'.



********************SPOILER ALERT!!*********************

Great movie. I saw it for the first time on late night TV last night!

One thing that I have to question though: it seems that in the end, his "patients" aren;t really cured. He himself has been able to move beyond feeling like he is a "fake" and so has Sofie moved on..

But the man with the fantasies, the wife who can't stop buying, the tennager who wants to be in magazines: they have all just masked their poblems with something else or someone else. Mumford didn't really provide them with answers, although he of course made their lives better.


I agree with 3barry. Excellent flick, besides...Never had seen it. Don't recall hearing about it... AND if i did see the dvd in the video store I might not have rented it before.
Can't say enough about how much I ENJOYED it...


This is on now and reminds me we saw this in the movies over American Beauty. At the time I considered Mumford a rental but after seeing it again, the cast, story and therapy subject make it enjoyable. Loren Dean is really good, sweet movie
