
Seems someone, somewhere, is looking for this movie and so onto the front page it goes.


I'm always looking for this movie!


I'd never heard of it but was instantly reminded of The Lake House - makes me wonder how many time shifting letter box type films there are out there. Anyway, found it on YouTube so maybe I'll watch it this evening.


I'm trying to remember the first time I watched this movie and I can't recall. But I've watched it a million times since then!

There do seem to be a lot of movies and TV series about time shifting. "The Lake House" definitely borrows a bit from "The Love Letter." This movie is from a story written by Jack Finney, who also wrote the novel "Time and Again," which inspired the movie "Somewhere in Time." I've actually read the novel "Time and Again," which I enjoyed. I've also been meaning to look for the short story "The Love Letter" is based on.


Took me a few days to get around to watching it but I did enjoy the film and it wasn't predictable which was good.
I liked Daphne Ashbrook in it as well. The only other time I can remember seeing her was a misguided attempt to reboot Dr Who where she was just about the only good thing in the show.
