the train is full

I'm sorry but I never got that joke, i feel really silly about it. Is there no point?


In which episode?


How can you not get that joke? The funny thing about the joke is, that there's no one on the train. They're standing there all alone and one of them says: there's lots of crowd here today, he(tis druk, he, vandaag) but there's no one there and then the other says: yeah yeah, the train is full. It's that simple.

Homer: Lisa, Vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and eskimos.


I don't know the name of the episode anymore. Do you know the name?

If you tell me I can do inquiries and find it, I didn't recall the train being completely empty.


het punt is eigenlijk gewoon dat die grap zo stom is dat het grappig wordt :)

I'm floating in a black balloon


Of: iets onnozel grappigs beginnen uitleggen, maakt de hele sketch minder grappig...

It takes a lot of time to see you need less to become more ~ Novastar
