MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > tv show friday night lights copied this

tv show friday night lights copied this

come on you know the story. 1st string QB gets sacked and then the underdog comes in to take his place and then he becomes a star. that happend in the tvshow friday night lights.


Friday Night Lights is based on the book which the movie is based off of. Except it was the running back that got injured. I recomend the book its a decent sports read.


already read it


Yes the show FNL coppied this movie. but it fixed the things wrong with this movie. I love that show and it is 100 times better then the movie FNL.

It's a rock


one things for sure, the show definetely copied the whole concept, but it could have also been based a little off of the original FNL story where the player gets hurt and then the second string guy who never plays all the sudden is a superstar, either way there was definetely some inspiration from this movie in the show... i dont know about you guys but i thought the show kinda sucked, i watched the first four or five episodes and it was really lame, but regardless of the plot holes and some of the football inaccuracies i thought this movie was great


Wasn't this a true story that they write a book about, then make this as a loosely based on the truth comedy, then they made Friday night lights the movie trying to keep more true to the story, and then they made the tv show Friday night light?


Varsity Blues was actually losely based off the book "Friday Night Lights"


I think thats what I said...


I read a book in high school that im pretty sure was written before friday night lights, and before both of these movies and the show was made. It focused on a small town that was in love with football. Their head coach, Coach Rake was his name, had been the coach for 30 some years and won mulitple state championships and the whole nine yards. Well in the book, one of his players died in practice....and he got fired and stuff. I know thats not what all these were based on....but their were alot of simularities. I just cant remember the name of the book off the top of my head.

Bowhunter for Life!!


A book about football and coaches, go figure. Must be a rip off.



wow, not a homo? am guessing you're not a democrat?

check out my channel:


Would someone actually publicly admit to being a democrat. I think most people would rather admit to being a homo.


Both beat the hell out of being a Republican.

Mr. Sarah Michelle Gellar


I guess thats true if you don't mind reaping the benefits of other peoples hard work. Then again some of us take pride in working hard for what we have. To each his own.


Well, the fact that you used the word "homo" and making admitting to it a bad thing, you aren't exactly spurting with knowledge, are you?

And as for being a Democrat or Republican, well, I'm neither. I'm Canadian, hence I work hard, don't declare war on oil-heavy countries and am not oblivious to the operations of other countries around me.

Also, I'm not anit-American or anything, I love the U.S., but seriously, your country needs to work on getting a better image of itself out there. When you stop thinking that Canadians live in Igloos and Mexicans in huts, then you might get a little more respect .

I'm also done with this conversation, so reply back all you want with whatever you want, I won't be returning.

Mr. Sarah Michelle Gellar


Hey smart guy, I quoted homo from you, and how in what way does using an abbreviation of homosexual reflect knowledge?


Well with that statement I can see who is collecting benefits of all the other hard working Americans


The book your refererencing is called "Bleachers" by John Grisham. Great book. It's a fictional story. The book FNL came out in 1988, so its quite obvious VB borrowed quite a bit from it.


The book is Bleachers, and the fight between the coach and the QB are similar in this book, but in the book, the QB punches the coach...its a good book.


You talking about "Bleachers" by John Grisham which was released in 2002 long after the movie "Varsity Blues" and the book "Friday Night Lights."

"Ah! Strip clubs: where all men are created equal."

-The Philanthropist (NBC)


hhheeeyyy yall!


Second string Quarterback coming to save the day isn't exactly something Varsity Blues invented.


Actual this movie copied the book Friday Night Lights. Then they made the official movie Friday Night Lights which is way better by the way. Then they sort of based the TV show off of both movies. This movies sucks and both the TV show and movie Friday Night Lights is way better.

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." - Henry Hill in Goodfellas


Another FNL link to Varsity Blues.... Lance's brother in this movie is also the same kid that plays Landry in FNL the TV show!


And coach Taylor calls him Lance.


Yes all based off Odessa Permian from the 90's. Which is what Friday Night Lights is about. I am just glad this one shows the coach as the @$$hole he really was. Not the Billy Bob Thorton one that put the blame on the parents...It was all of them the town, the coach and the parents.....


This is a rumor I heard that Jon Voight followed around the head coach at Sealy HS in Texas who then took over Odessa Permian. He had the same type of jacket Voight wore in the movie with the championship patches.


Friday Night Lights the movie and the TV series are some of the best shows I've seen in a long time. Gritty, realistic and absolutely compelling. Not that Varsity Blues was a bad movie, but it's got nothing compared to the greatness that is FNL.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


Friday Night Lights the book was a very compelling read, especially to someone like me who had recently moved to Texas and was learning about its unique culture. I though the movie did a great job translating it to screen.

The TV show was sublime in its first season. It fell off the rails in its second and got back on its feet in the third. The fourth and fifth were good, but they had to do character reboots and nothing matched the magic of the first season. Except maybe the Saracen/Julie stuff.


Friday Night Lights was a book first then a movie before this so how did it copy this?

