Lethal injection

In the execution scene, there were three liquids that were being injected to the man's body, the first one looked diluted compared to the 2nd and 3rd ones. What is the liquid? Why 3 dilution? Does it cause pain? Or just painless unconsciousnes followed by death?


First one puts him to sleep. The second one paralyzes his muscles. The final one stops his heart.


"He was born of hate, and raised with your twisted ideals. What did you expect from him?"


As explained by a newscaster on the car radio while the Clint Eastwood character is driving somewhere late in the movie (I'm doing this from memory), the first solution injected is a general anesthetic to put the person being executed to sleep, the second is a drug to cause muscle paralysis, and the third one is a big bolus of potassium chloride--this causes the heart to stop beating.
