new yorker accent

Was anybody else extremely bothered by d'Abo's extremely apparent British accent when she was supposed to be a native New Yorker? And wasn't she supposed to have grown up in the Village? Why was she trying to do a Brooklyn accent in the first place? I think it especially stands out because she does a lot of her scenes with Michael Rispoli.


YES. I kept thinking "where is this woman from?" She sounded British to me most of the time with weird New York interludes.

The entire setting for the two main characters was WRONG. They do NOT seem like they would surround themselves with "colorful" working class New Yorkers as best friends at all. It was unimaginable that the best friend of Henstridge would be a coarse hairdresser - or that she'd die for Ray's Pizza, etc. Come on! This is Natasha Henstridge!

The funniest line in the movie was when she said (explaining why she's engaged to this guy) "I guess I just got tired of running after men, you know? And finally one ran after me." Oh yeah, sure, no guy ever noticed this woman in her teens, her twenties, now halfway through her 30s. She just had to keep running after them, poor thing.

It's a pity because I thought she and Vartan did a good job with what they had -- and despite the fact that he looked a bit dorkish and little for her, there was some chemistry there - they both seemed shy/unassuming/sweet. (And I'd never seen Henstridge be any of those things, so I thought she did a nice job). But the setting and friends were ALL wrong.

Moreover, why do they have them fantasizing about being in other cities - when they're sitting in front of Delacorte Fountain, one of the most beautiful spots in the United States, with the spectacular stairways behind them? Strange.

This would have fit together much better if they were say, in a farming community - say he'd recently been sent there as a soils engineer, and they were fantasizing about being away somewhere glamorous.


she did not sound british lol pls dont insult us im british and we do not talk like that, she sounds like she has a cold. no offence to anyone but i cant stand it when americans try to do our accent it sounds awful lol

I thought i was indesisive but i cant make up my mind


im british - and i thought it was a really really poor british accent.


The actress IS British. I assume she was trying to do a NY accent, failing and sounded neither like a Brit nor a New Yorker.



Well, Charlie was a cop, before he quit to start writing. And Anna is a teacher. Neither job pays what it should. And Charlie does become a cop again. Besides, I didn't find anything wrong with their choices as best friends.


I agree that d'Abo's New York accent was very uneven and distracting.
I was especially confused by this since her American accent on the Wonder Years was always impeccable!


I don't care how bad her accent was. I think she was terrific in this movie.

