MovieChat Forums > High Art (1998) Discussion > One dumb thing about the story

One dumb thing about the story


How is it possible for Lucy to die of an overdose JUST ABOVE HER HEAD and for Syd not to have heard anything? No doctors? No police? No ambulance? No mortician?
The woman dies and she doesn't hear ANYTHING?

Also, considering the fact that the friends and Arnie certainly knew that she meant SOMETHING to Lucy, and the fact that she lives just under them... Arnie doesn't even try to let her know? He goes onto the street and locks himself in Lucy's car instead?

Doesn't make sense.

It was also obvious when Lucy took the second hit that she was going to overdose... too pat an ending.


Nah, it is not really unbelievable. That loft building is a old factory. It's not like a normal apartment building. Concrete floors and steel beams... Plus take in to account they are living in a busy part of Brooklyn. You can hear traffic outside clunking over the BQE or Williamsburgh Bridge. Ambulance sirens, Police sirens, are a part of the ambient noise. Believe me, you drown it out and stop hearing it.


They never said what time Lucy died. Just that it was "this morning." That could have been 3 am while Syd was sound asleep.

Greta hated Syd, and everyone knew it, and there's no way she was going to let people knock on Syd's door to tell her.

As for the car, it's the way Arnie chose to let Syd know and he might've had his reasons. But most importantly, the filmmakers wanted to create a more dramatic moment than someone just knocking on Syd's door. Sometimes we have to suspend our disbelief and try to grasp the filmmakers' vision.


I like you guys, your arguments were thoughtful....unlike most of the posts on message boards.


I agree with OP.
In a city, emergency vehicles don't pull as much attention, especially while you're asleep/relaxing/safe in your own home. Even if you did hear a siren, why would she associate it with anything to do with her/her loved ones in a city so big?

I think it's also understandable that none of Lucys close friends/fellow addicts/lovers would consider notifying Lucys new 'squeeze'
Syd says it herself when she argued in the car with Arnie that he didn't know what the two of them had... that's likely to be true.

Apart from Lucy, none of the druggie group liked Syds presence. The drugs made them paranoid, self absorbed, desperate.... Their universe was very small, and the concept of having someone encroaching on their space would have stirred up all kinds of negative emotions.

Syd couldn't have won them over if she had have tried.
Don't do their drugs = she's a prude, and could get them into trouble
Do their drugs = she's rude for not paying
Speak of drugs in a positive/excited way = she's naive
Speak of drugs in a negative way = she's condemning their lifestyle
Talk about her work = she's too mainstream for earning a legal living
Talk about her boyfriend = she's too mainstream for having a stable conventional relationship

She doesn't live in, or understand their 'world' and a sudden death within their group would have a very different impact to a death within a group of sober friends.

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
Virginia Woolf
