How to win every time

I have devised a foolproof stratagem for winning on Hollywood Squares. The standard format is such that after Tom Bergeron asks a question, the celebrity gives the joke answer first. Then, after the audience laughter has quieted down, the celebrity gives what she believes is the correct answer. Only then does the contestant agree or disagree with the celebrity.

What if the contestant were to disagree with the celebrity’s first answer? The first answer is a joke, and therefore incorrect. Thus, the contestant would win the square simply by disagreeing with the celebrity’s joke answer. Victory is assured!

Fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me- you can’t get fooled again.


No kidding, you mean that they make jokes too? And along, I thought that they were being serious. I'm glad someone finally discovered this unknown secret.


Actually, I remember someone on the original version tried that once. Peter Marshall asked the question: "What blood-sucking creatures did 19th century doctors put on wounds to help heal them?" Johnathan Winters joked back: "Agents". The female contestant said "I disagree", to which Winters said, very calmly: "I'm making a joke, sweetheart." (The correct answer, of course, was leaches.)



Hehe, that's funny and interesting.


That's probably outside the rules. There are times celebrities want to make it easy on the contestant and use a joke as their real answer, or don't make a joke at all.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.
