No country for old men.

I was watching the movie and in one see Tommy Lee Jones mentions a story about and old couple that killed people it seemed quite similar too the story mentioned in the one episode with the old people and the dinner. Was that one true i cannot recall and if so if they a link to the facts of the case.

Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney


That story was actually fiction...but I'm sure there have been plenty of legends about notoriously kindly, generous old people making a routine habit of murder. The writes HAD to have been thinking of Arsenic and Old Lace. (And when I was a kid my dad would drive us through the woods at night and tell us about this seemingly sweet but incredibly creepy elderly couple living in a little log cabin there, who would roll giant boulders in front of and behind your car--and then kidnap, cook and eat you. Good times!!)

I like you, Um. I like largeness...
