the bonds??

i might be just stupid but i don't really get the family bonds. is erica leo's sister? in that case, she and willie's gotta be cousins. if not, why's she so close to leo's mother?? please someone, i'm really confused.



Im probably nuts for responding to a 17 year old post (is that a record?) but hey i miss imdb and its movie discussions

No there not siblings as far as the movie shows. Leo and Willie are just best friends (and it seems childhood friends). Also he may have had a thing/crush for Erica when he was 15 (depending on if Frank told the truth). I'm more inclined to believe that was made up for what Frank though for his own benefit.

Hope that clears it up 17 years later lol!!!!
And hopefully you use moviechat now


after reading the whole message board apparently some people conclude there cousins. Hopefully that information is helpful 17 years later.
