Robson Green

Ok, Robson Green has won me over. He is sooooooooo gorgeous!!!!



Loved him too and wondering why there are so few posts about this miniseries.


Is it wrong of me to actually think Michael Kitchen was much better looking than Robson Green in this series, despite being half his age and his character being a right arse!!

Although I like Michael in Foyle's War, he is brilliant as a bit of a villain - and he's even more obnoxious in the Reckless sequel.

I came to this planet to find intelligent life.
Oops, I made a mistake!


If you haven't seen Michael Kitchen in Enchanted April, drop everything, now, and get your hands on a copy of the DVD. He is adorable in that, even if it is a relatively small part.

As for Reckless, one of the refreshing aspects of it was that it allowed for shades of gray in the characters -- no wholly black-and-white depictions, and the emotions, even the various grievances of the characters got some attention, inherently sympathetic or not.


I can relate, Mork... ever since Foyle's War I've been bonkers about Kitchen as well. And in this he is hilarious! It has been fun to discover his earlier movies and TV work and see what a great sense of comic timing he has in addition to the marvelous acting.

Objectively I can see that Mr Green is a very good-looking guy...


Robson Green is very attractive, but I was surprised that I also thought the 'villain' Michael Kitchen was attractive as well. Robson's piercing eyes are to die for though!

~"Chris, am I weird?"
~"Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird."
