The film is O.K.

I first watched this on the sci-fi channel. I thought it was O.K.. Altough, this film was the least entertaining adaptation of Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle's The Lost World. But it was O.K.. What do you think? Please reply.


I first saw it on Sci Fi aswell and thought it wa sok except the effects and acting weren't too good, however I am taping it (is on now on Sci Fi) as my mam likes these adaptations.

"The way things are perceived dictates ones course in life" - Gillian Anderson


actually to be hones,t i enjoyed it, yes it was bad, but then again it was such a drastic change from the book and I actually loved the dark slant the film took, definitely bogged down by a really low budget and some terrible dialogue at points, but it's not very often someone actually makes an effort to give such an extremely different take on on older story. It certainly is no blockbuster, but it can be a fun one to pop in now and then.

