Worth renting?

I think I saw this at the video store near my house. I can rent it for a dollar. Is it worth going down to the store and paying a dollar? Most of the people here seem to think that it's really bad. I'm a huge Nirvana fan, and I believe that Kurt killed himself, if that makes any kind of difference. Please don't flame me for thinking that it was a suicide.


just check it out. I saw it awhile ago. I don't know, if you are a big Nirvana fan just see it to say that you saw it.


I actually reccomend buying it, and im not even that big a Nirvana fan. It's one of the most interesting and almost creepy documentaries I've ever seen

Everything always in time will come



Its only a freakin` dollar.


its worth a dollar not much more

a great story but a HORRIBLY made film.

Have these people heard of a tripod?!?! wobbly out of focus shots- if this was a film school project I'd give it a C.


i saw it at a chumlys, for around $10, i saw it on IFC, it was very good.

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.
I am not Paul Avery


It's on YouTube...

And it's really, really lame.
