Catherine Zeta-Jones

Is it just me or does anyone else agree that Catherine Zeta-Jones looks absolutely gorgeous in this (and every other) movie ?


i have 2 agree she looks absolutely stunning, she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
beautiful. she also has great taste in clothing in this movie


yeah, very hot. you gotta see her in Entrapment though. there you get the feeling that she is the hottest woman alive.



She is a very beautiful woman, gorgeous!

It's a Geoffrey Rush thing, you wouldn't understand! Captain of Team Barbossa


I've been watching her in stuff since The Darling Buds of May. She's ambitious, hard working and smart enough to know how to use her sex appeal, but she's too wrapped up in being Hollywood royalty to be convincing in anything she does. Pretty, but oh so fake. Hollywood is perfect for her!


She has the most unique and gorgeous face I've ever seen, not to mention that bod and alluring charisma - she's the hottest lady in Hollywood as far as I'm concerned!


Its all a point of view... I can appreciate her and I can say that her looks and presence are outstanding, but still, she doesn't do it for me. Sort of Barbie doll-ish in that it all looks good, but doesn't feel like there is much there beneath the surface. I guess its a taste thing. Just doesn't work for me. Thought Entrapment sucked, the Tom Hanks airport thing was flat and so was her part in it.


She is gourgous my dad is like in love her! Why does she want Douglas! Anywas she is like flat out gourgous in Zorro both of them! Really every movie she has every been in!Catherine and Jennifer Lopez are my favorite actress!

CZJ & J.Lo #1 fan!


I'm gonna guess most women would pick Michael Douglas over your dad.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

reply that's some funny sheet...


I have to agree she is beautiful, yet she's one of those females that looks better with her clothes on than off. A class act who seems to be a nice person.
Now for the most beautiful and sexy female, my vote goes to -



She is the most beautiful woman ever...but I think she looks better in "Chicago" than in this movie....she's so great in "Chicago"!!




yea ill agree with you there, something about her in this movie, i mean shes always pretty but i dunno, i just thought she was stunningly beautiful in this movie.... micheal douglas is a lucky lucky man...




Too bad they hadn't cast someone who was slightly less beautiful with a flair for COMEDY.


Ah! There we are. I'm afraid Catherine Zeta-Jones is limited by her beauty. She can never be cast as anything but the-most-beautiful-woman-in-the-world. And because of that, she hasn't been required to stretch her chops.


Yeah, lucky lucky man. Attracted by his money.



She is very gorgeous and wonderful in this

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


makeup queen (like many other mainstream actresses)


Yep, CZJ looks her best in this movie. And her subtle laid back stlye of acting here fits the bill perfectly. Never seen her look better - well, perhaps Zorro - but that movie was made for her, and she was considerably younger then. Hey, its all in the lips...
