Why all the hate?

It's not a classic or anything, but having finally watched this last night, I don't understand the vitriol for this movie. If you see a Clooney film and complain that he's mugging, well... that's on you I'm afraid. When does he not? This is a light-hearted, not very serious, dark rom-com, with some commentary on the state or marriage among the ultra-wealthy and their interlopers. I laughed a lot and I thought the multiple twists near the end were very well done. I didn't see them coming at all. Except the very last one, that I could have done without.



Looking at trailers, DVD covers etc, one could rightly expect this film to be a sweet little rom-com where people play hard to get but it all works out in the end.

Not many would except it to be the screwball farce that is actually is.

It's amazing how much expectations contribute to a film-going experience, and if those expectations are not met, bring on the low ratings!

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I agree. I find this film dark and funny. I even liked the very end where "everybody" got their "fame and fortune" off of this which is another funny thing -- a good little nudge at even that stuff.

I thought this film would rate higher as it is slapstick fun at the gold diggers, Hollywood and wealthy of the world.

consequences-schmonsequences as long as I'm rich.🐇
