a fake marriage?

it seems to me that the Lang's weren't a real couple, more of an arranged marriage.

So they meet like normal people do, and discovers each others interests.

"so, what are u into?"
"oh you know, this and that. blowing up buildings, terrorism, the usual"
"oh my god, me too! we have so much in common"

yeah right, pretty unrealistic.

they would have set it all up, get a house, create some photo shopped wedding photos and so on.

even Lang's friends were in on it, like at the party.

they would all have worked together on it.

now the kids, that's tricky but they weren't their kids. adopted for show, it would make having kids seem they wouldn't be terrorists. perhaps these kids lost their parents due to something the government did. you gotta admit, all 3 were shifty. they knew something, perhaps they wanted payback too.

maybe they met in college and shared the same views.



When Brooke and Oliver/Will were looking through their family photo albums, something just seemed off, especially how the latter replied when the former asked him how long they had been married. From what I can surmise, their family was definitely synthetic to some degree, especially considering how the Lang's children acted when they were alone and only dealing with Michael.

Having done extensive research into "9/11 Truth", the movement seems to be rife with cults that mostly mirror the cults committing alleged acts of terrorism. It's sophisticated, yet silly. As far as the Langs in Arlington Road, the family is also likely the artifice of a cult, with carefully crafted aliases and backstories for all.

No one can be shown what the Matrix is, they have to see it for themselves . . .


i thought they were a genuine couple who had identical ideologies and because of their life's mission, i think they cultivated a sterile home with sterile children who trusted no one. the older girl seemed to be getting to the age where she was putting things together and while she probably had no idea what her parents were doing, she assumed it was righteous and protected them from "outsiders" who didn't/wouldn't understand.

i also don't see the boy spontaneously playing with "explosives" he found laying around. nor did it seem like he would snoop into his parents belongings because of the sterile environment. that piece of the story was left open ended for the viewer to wonder if 1) he was in on it or 2) his parents set him up.
