Did Brooke Die???

Did Brooke die or was she in on it the whole time???

In the scene where Jeff Bridges heads into the parking garage, there is a shot where you see a blonde woman in a black leather coat turn towards the camera. You can see she that she is wearing an ear mic. So she's probably in communication with the other terrorists.

Later at the end of the movie, when Jeff Bridges students are describing his character, the same girl from the garage scene is the last to speak and she says that Jeff Bridges had once said, "... one day those men are going to burn". And then she almost smiles.

This has been bugging me since I saw the film 2 nights ago... Is this Brooke? Or just someone who looks like her???

And if it isn't her, then that means the terrorists had a plant in Bridges class the whole time.


It was her. She was working with the terrorists the whole time.


That wasn't Brooke. Brooke died in the car accident...would have been suspicious to the police to get to an accident with no body. And I think it would have been too much trouble to use a "body double" to pose as Brooke. Easier to just "off" her ----- "she was getting in the way". There was a plant in Faraday's class.....


No it was not Brooke it was one of Faraday's students who just happened to be blonde. We know this because at the end Faraday's students are talking to the news reporters and this is where she speaks. She doesn't even look that much like Brooke IMO.

"I see dumb ppl"


wait... i just saw this over the weekend. i had the same question..was she in on it?? It was a plant in his class??



You "thought it was pretty obvious", huh?



It was a totally different character - not even close

"You're the doctor; I'm the mother. I outrank you" Mother to House, MD


Brooke and the blonde woman in leather appeared in the same scene so how could they have been the same person? Brooke saw Oliver Lang make a pick-up in a multi-storey car park. Brooke stayed hidden and the other person involved in the pick up was the blonde woman in leather.


Overlooking the obvious -
1. If Brooke was in on it, why would she call Faraday to warn him, & tell him that he was right about the conspiracy - and then the terrorists erased the phone message? The terrorists wouldn't know that he would drive his car into the FBI buidling, or that the FBI guy would offhandedly mention to Faraday that he left a message on his machine. Most likely, if he had gotten the message on his machine, he would've called the FBI guy immediately - and spoiled the plan.

2. At the very end of the scene where Brooke calls him, she hangs up, and Joan Cusack is right there, obviously tailing her, and asking her what she was up to. The sinister staging of that scene, complete with Joan repeating '...shopping', makes it obvious that Brooke was toast. Logically, her disappearing right before they find a female body in the car makes it a slamdunk. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

3. Tim Robbins admits that she '...got in the way', when Faraday crashes his party.


Couldn't have said it any better. Thanks for saving me the time.


There's also the fact that, as IMDb credits will testify, Hope Davies plays Brooke Wolfe and 'ponytail girl/conspirator' is played by Jenni Tooley (as Jennie Tooley). So, uh, that would seem fairly conclusive, no..?


actually no - if they wanted to f#ck with us, the ponytail-girl credit could be an alias, and could be the same actress. It ain't, but the fact that there's a separate credit doesn't mean it wasn't the same actress. This is analogous to the 'Alan Smithee' director alias - when a director wants to get paid for a film but not use his real name, it's been a known thing for years that Alan Smithee is the pseudonym used. Another confirmed case is Walter Matthau being credited as Matuschanskayasky in 'Earthquake'. So, different names in the credits <> different actors.
How about this? If Brooke was a plant/conspirator, why would she call & leave the message on his answering machine, only to have the other conspirators delete it? The movie showed her snooping around like Nancy Drew to confirm her growing suspicion, while at 1st she was shown not buying into Jeff Bridges' paranoia. Then , she gets the 'Eureka' moment, and immediately calls him. What would be the point of having the conspirators authorize a message on the answring machine, then deleting it? He only finds out that he had deleted messages by accident, when the FBI guy tells him he called the same day. There's no way the conspirators could've arranged that; in fact, it's obvious they knew Brooke left a warning message, & didn't want him to know. Finally, if she was a conspirator, why go to the length of staging a road accident, putting another body in the car (which presumably could be identified by dental records), when she could simply 'disappear' by leaving him a 'dear John' letter, i.e. '...I can't take your paranoia, you're still obsessed with your dead wife', etc.? It would serve the double purpose of distracting him from uncovering the conspiracy.
When there are multiple explanations, simple & complicated, take the simple one 1st (Occam's razor). It's logically impossible that Brooke was a conspirator, ergo, she was a victim of them, since she got in the way. Tim Robbins said as much.


Yes, Brooke died. Short of a corpse, I can't think of how the movie could have made it more obvious.


Uh, no. Just no.


Brooke wasn't in on it. Robbins and his crew had the other girl planted in the class to gain a better understanding of the guy. And of course for the sound bite at the end of the movie, "someday those people are going to burn." Love this bit because it drives home the point of accusing Daniels and making him the fall guy. To me this is the most vital, most important part of the movie. The blonde provides a great quote and is so powerful is convincing the world that they have found the "guy", albeit the wrong guy. And therefore, we can live happily ever after because we know who did it. Even though we all know it's the wrong guy.

Brilliant movie.


Absolutely . . . the insincerity of her libel and her demeanor after professing it (when compared to his "legitimate" students) serves as a nice contrast to their testimonials as well. Without the plant's disingenuous recollection, there is no (alleged) confirmation that Faraday was actively pursuing vengeance.

No one can be shown what the Matrix is, they have to see it for themselves . . .


Overlooking the obvious -
1. If Brooke was in on it, why would she call Faraday to warn him, & tell him that he was right about the conspiracy - and then the terrorists erased the phone message? The terrorists wouldn't know that he would drive his car into the FBI buidling, or that the FBI guy would offhandedly mention to Faraday that he left a message on his machine. Most likely, if he had gotten the message on his machine, he would've called the FBI guy immediately - and spoiled the plan.

2. At the very end of the scene where Brooke calls him, she hangs up, and Joan Cusack is right there, obviously tailing her, and asking her what she was up to. The sinister staging of that scene, complete with Joan repeating '...shopping', makes it obvious that Brooke was toast. Logically, her disappearing right before they find a female body in the car makes it a slamdunk. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

3. Tim Robbins admits that she '...got in the way', when Faraday crashes his party.

Well put, there's probably a fair few people running around the boards you should pm this explanation to!!

I almost came as a Shark actually, but then I realised that an Eagle was slightly better.





It's amazing to me how much debate there is over this issue. There really shouldn't be. Brooke obviously was killed by the wife (Joan Cusack, character name is escaping me). When she got off the phone after warning Jeff Bridges and turned around to see Cusack standing there, she obviously was afraid. Joan Cusack also asked about her being there. This would not have occurred if they were in on it together.

The blonde was a student in Bridges' class - she was seen in his class earlier in the film and did an interview during the ending sequence in which she made up lies about him having been a raving paranoid plotting revenge - which wasn't true at all. She was the plant.


When Brooke sees Oliver in the parking garage switching cars it is that blonde pony-tailed woman he's talking to.

At the end we see the blonde pony-tailed woman again twice. Once talking into a walkie-talkie giving instructions, then posing as one of Faraday's students.

She looks nothing like Brooke.

An IMDb search shows that Jennie Tooley, who is credited as the pony-tailed woman, is a real actress.


yeah, the pony-tailed girl was in his class. If Brooke was in on it, she would have came back in the end to reveal that she was in on it all along.


I can't believe anyone thinks that both characters are the same person. I just saw it again and they don't even look anything alike, except for both having blonde hair. Besides the fact that it is stated they killed Brooke. How could someone watch this movie and think that? Very strange.

I got nothing


noooo she wasn't BROOKE! why would she follow mr lang, and freak out, and pull over & call from a payphone in a panic if she was IN on it...?? she also wouldn't have tried to play it cool in front of mrs. lang if she was in on it...


Yes, Brooke died. She is definitely dead. Defintiely.
I can only assume that Mr. OR Mrs. Lang ran her off the road or just came right out and killed her, making the whole thing look like a car accident.

THIS is the graduate student who gives an account to reporters that Faraday said the men 'would burn'...
Her name is Tiffany Grant and she's uncredited.

(she and Brooke are NOT the same person...)

here's her IMDb page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0335674/
and this is her "wikepedia page": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Grant
(it doesn't look like her in that photo, you have to picture her blonde)

She was the woman with the ear-piece close to FBI headquaters who was the look out ot make sure Faraday had gone into the garage...
Then, we see her agiain on the TV saying that Faraday had said those things she'd quote "never forget" and give a sinister smile to the camera...

** as far as the arguements for it being the same person as Brooke, don't you think that EVERYONE at the school pretty-much knew that FAraday and Brooke were dating, she would have been interrogated and investigated by the police if it really was her. I think they'd definitely want to know why she staged her own death... it SOOO wasn't Brooke.


THIS is the graduate student who gives an account to reporters that Faraday said the men 'would burn'...
Her name is Tiffany Grant and she's uncredited.

(she and Brooke are NOT the same person...)

here's her IMDb page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0335674/
and this is her "wikepedia page": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Grant
(it doesn't look like her in that photo, you have to picture her blonde)

She was the woman with the ear-piece close to FBI headquaters who was the look out ot make sure Faraday had gone into the garage...
Then, we see her agiain on the TV saying that Faraday had said those things she'd quote "never forget" and give a sinister smile to the camera...


Sorry that is incorrect. The character is "Ponytail" Girl, credited as Jenni Tooley.


You are correct, mc4459. It was Jenni Tooley who played the character who claimed Faraday said the men "would burn". This claim about Tiffany Grant is absurd.

But then this whole thread is absurd. It just proves some people have amazingly poor comprehension skills when they watch movies.



thatsmell, your response had me lmao! I was reading this thread in total disbelief, like, how do people this moronic manage to survive? And the nut carrying on about Occam's Razor earlier in the thread? What is up with that?!?!

Why wish for the moon when we can have the stars?


Thread starter = dumb.


Agreed. Maybe she was Luke Skywalker's father, too.


“That's not true! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Did you notice when Bridges is talking seriously to his class one day the camera pans the students and one student has a smirk/smile on his face ?


If you mean @ the site of his wife's death, I thought his student was smiling but then it became evident he was just squinting because of the sun . . . if you meant another occasion, please elaborate.

No one can be shown what the Matrix is, they have to see it for themselves . . .


i dont think the thread starter is dumb as , simply, i dont remember a funeral for brooke??!!!!
in any case why did they kill brooke?? she found out a couple of things but nothing HUGE imo. why not kill michael faraday straightaway???


Calling the OP dumb might be a little extreme, but his/her observation and critical thinking skills are woeful lacking. The number of people on this board who fell for this is actually quite shocking. Other than both having blond hair, Brooke and the terrorist girl at the end looked nothing alike. Different eyes, cheek bones, body weight.

This does highlight something though, namely why eyewitness testimony in any court case should always be taken with a grain of salt, unless corroborated by numerous other eye witnesses, and why no one should ever be sentenced to death penalty based primarily on the testimony of a couple of eye witnesses.


This is an odd thread. The girl working with the terrorists could not have been more obviously not Hope Davis.
