MovieChat Forums > 200 Cigarettes (1999) Discussion > Courtney actually had a prime?

Courtney actually had a prime?

I know 90% of the world by now only knows Courtney Love as a burn-out with an addiction to plastic surgery and heroin.

However, she definitely had a period where she appeared very sober and attractive. 200 Cigs is her at her most beautiful. Such a shame. She was very talented, intelligent, and quite attractive before the lifestyle beat her down. I miss the beautiful, interesting, and vivacious Courtney we saw in this film.

I guess the meek can inherit the Earth now. It looks like the stupid aren't doing anything with it.


she looked great in this film, but was BY FAR the worst performer. Everyone else, even the lesser knowns, did great with the mostly mediocre material they had. It annoys me how much screen time she got. I noticed alot of her lines were actually clever, but her reading of them made them bland and awkward. She takes away the comedic momentum in every scene! Which is odd considering how great she was in Larry Flynt, but then again she was working with an award winning director and editor for that one.
Maybe less talented filmmakers aren't as good as hiding mediocre actors?


I thought that this was a very good movie for her, not only did we get to hear a tidbit of her singing, but I thought that she was just adorable. She came across as an adorable person. I so enjoyed her in Larry Flynt, and this was just as good. This is just a feel good movie, with laughs. Nothing serious and its something nice to watch when you are in a bad mood or have running in the background while doing housework. I wish Courtney hadnt gave up the film career, she was amazing at it.


I generally loathe Courtney Love but dug her performance in this flick. Go figure.


I want to say this was her Celebrity Skin days where she cleaned up and was doing a coming back. Thought Hole was going to make but never heard of them after that CD. Think they only released two songs from the album and the second song (Malibu?) didn't do as well and they faded out. Next time I saw her on TV she looked rough again.

Who Cares.
