MovieChat Forums > 200 Cigarettes (1999) Discussion > What's your favorite line in the movie?

What's your favorite line in the movie?

My favorite line is when Martha Plimpton throws her drink at the TV (_Love Story_, I think) and spouts, "I hate you mo******ckers!"

Cracks me up every time.

Meep meep


I Think thats the best part of the movie! lol


These threads are like time machines that give me a glimpse into crappy movies of the past, and the people that liked them.


One of my favorite lines in that movie, Martha Plimpton: "You can stand there naked with a mattress strapped to your back and still look like a vestal virgin." Also I love the way Gaby hoffman whispers "Heroin" to Christina Ricci when they're talking about the package.


The Best Bit is when Christina Ricci calls her mother and she is dont there and then Gaby Hoffman says "What with your mother not picking up her Phone" Then Ricci say " I dont know maybe she went to a party or something"
I think that is so FUNNY



Ben's greatest performance, playing a jackass bartender. It was the role he was born to play!

"How do you like your eggs in the morning, scrambled or fertilized?"


Kevin: What's this?
Lucy: It's your birthday present, fuc!khead. Open it.


ahahaha yes my favorite is these matches are dissapointing me as well its hilarious


these matches are disapointing me!! lol

i loved this movie...


My favorite line is definetly when Ricci realizes she has the wrong address, and Hoffmann says, "Well what the *beep* you carrying in that pocketbook? A *beep* enclyclopedia of Britanica?"

or when ricci is crossing on to Ave B

"I'm not crossing that street Val!"
"Fine, freeze ya fu<kin ass off I'm goin to the party!"



"Meet people?! You don't just meet people off the street, Val, even when you're at a party you don't meet people, you just stand around talkin to the ones you already know."

I love this movie


I like several of the ones already mentioned but I also LOVE : "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE WITH THE STREAMERS AND THE CRAB DIP!"


I laugh my head off at plimpton throwing her drink at the tv "I hate you motherf!ckers" everytime... I also love where Kevin tells (ben affleck character) "youre a fox" and (ben) says something like "dont sell yourself short, the nights still young" It's like he doesnt miss a beat, like he hears that everyday (from strange men). I also love the line where gaby character asks ricci if she's carrying an encyclopedia brittanica in her pocketbook.. and "what are we supposed to do? hang out til the rinse cycle?" hilarious.. there's actually too many great lines in this movie to have a fav.

altogether this is a really great movie... not for everyone, guess a person just has to have our kinda mind. >:) its so funny, i like to put it on while i do other things just to listen to the dialogue.. definitely one of my favorites.


YEAH totally!!
I've seen it 100 times for real!!


Lucy: You told me you didn't want a party.
Kevin: That's because I don't want a party. I mean I wanna PARTY [starts dancing], but I don't want a party.

"You taste like a burger. I don't like you anymore." -- Andy, Wet Hot American Summer


That one is the best! Sometimes I fast forward to that part just to watch it!


Disco Cabbie: One of the ugliest bitches I've ever seen in my life rolled up, and I'm not one to call women ugly, but I think this woman was, because she had a penis.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch." - Stewie



lmao- so many funny lines in this movie. I love that part with Martha Plimpton throwing her drink at Love Story on the tv. The way she says that line.. hehe!

And I crack up at the part where Casey Affleck is telling Stephie off finally.. saying "take time to smell the roses ... why do ya gotta be such a bitch Stephie, why?" and his friend is passed out on the couch and Casey is holding him by the back of his jacket and tossing his head around while talking/making his point with Stephie. lol I love that part!!

Thanks for loaning me the Donger. He's really bitchin'. - Sixteen Candles


Kevin : "I'm gonna go home and kill myself, you wanna share a cab?"

Also Jay Mohr says "ew" a couple of times to Kate Hudson's character when she spits out some food and then again when she slips in the dog crap and the way he says it cracks me the hell up..he is so goofy


I have the flu so I already resigned to not going out for New Year's Eve tonight. I'm watching 200 Cigarettes right now. As I'm reading this thread *right* at the moment Paul Rudd says "I'm gonna go home and kill myself, you wanna share a cab?" I read someone's post that's is that as their fav quote!



And then, of course, she calls out to the Bartender: "Hey, can we get some penis over here?" It took me about 5 times of watching the movie to figure out she wasn't saying "peanuts."

One of my favourites is: "Where is everybody? Are they just wandering the streets, because it's too uncool to be prompt?"

Another good one is: "Oh, it's for Toni? I'm outta here."

Or: "What is it with men that they thing you give a sh!t about their stuff."

How about: "I've got issues? You're the one inventing old boyfriends and bringing them back from the dead!"


The promptness line slays me and I use it all the time.
