Correct order for Season 1

Does anyone know the correct order or has a correct order ever been provided?

Here's roughly I think what they would be
1) Pilot - since it's the best introduction episode
2) and a Guy - Celtics reference suggests it goes before the next
3) and a Celtic Game - Still with Melissa
4) and a Pizza Deliverty - not quite sure where to put this
5) and a Party - Autumn, judging by the trees
6) and a Dad - Berg decides to join med school
7) and a Presentation - Follows on pretty well from previous one
8) and a Landlord - Winter episode
9) and an Apartment - Winter and Pete breaks up with Melissa
10) and a Recovery - Pete still getting over Melissa
11) and a Softball team - Pete gets a girlfriend 1
12) and a Chance Encounter - Pete gets another girlfriend, could be switched with previous
13) and How They Met - seems like a good season finale.

I'm open for opinions on changes/corrections.


Season 1 order was a mess.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Hmmm, just realised that "Two Guys, a Girl and a Dad" is a flashback episode. So there Berg goes from being a Philosophy major to studying to be a doctor without ever being made clear to us when that was.


Go by the production numbers here on which shows the order the episodes were made.

After the pilot which is 5Z79 all the others are listed 1-12 at the end of the production number.

1. 1- 1 5Z79 10 Mar 98 Pilot
8. 1- 8 5Z01 29 Apr 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Party
10. 1-10 5Z02 20 May 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Delivery
4. 1- 4 5Z03 1 Apr 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Celtic Game
3. 1- 3 5Z04 24 Mar 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Guy
13. 1-13 5Z05 22 Jul 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Landlord
5. 1- 5 5Z06 8 Apr 98 Two Guys, a Girl and an Apartment
7. 1- 7 5Z07 22 Apr 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Recovery
12. 1-12 5Z08 15 Jul 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Dad
2. 1- 2 5Z09 17 Mar 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Presentation
6. 1- 6 1ABZ10 15 Apr 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Softball Team
9. 1- 9 1ABZ11 6 May 98 Two Guys, a Girl and a Chance Encounter
11. 1-11 1ABZ12 26 May 98 Two Guys, a Girl and How They Met

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


But, still is wrong, Pete breaks up with Melissa in episode 6 "Two Guys, a Girl and an Apartment" but then, they are together in episode 9 "Two Guys, a Girl and a Presentation" According to the production order...

Héctor Cañas
The last survivor of Argentina


Just scored the series on dvd and man the first season was out of order.
I watched some of the first season when it originally aired on tv.
Did season 1 eps air out of order?

They did this crap with Archer first 3 seasons as well.


What kind of beast couldn't get along with a precious little girl like this?


I'll go by Production Order, except where this creates continuity problems. My suggestion is:

The Pilot
Two Guys, A Girl And A Party
Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Delivery
Two Guys, A Girl And A Celtic Game
Two Guys, A Girl And A Guy
Two Guys, A Girl And A Landlord
Two Guys, A Girl And A Presentation(Berg starts med school)
Two Guys, A Girl And An Apartement (breakup with Melissa)
Two Guys, A Girl And A Recovery (2 Month after breakup)
Two Guys, A Girl And A Dad (after initial minues a look 3 Month back, between "Landlord" and "Presentation" where Berg decides to go to med school; this only leaves the problem, that the flashback should have winter scenery, because Landlord" and "Apartment" have snow outside, but in the flashback it seems warm and sunny)
Two Guys, A Girl And A Softball Team
Two Guys, A Girl And A Chance Encounter
Two Guys, A Girl And How They Met


This can't be right though because when the landlord is reading Berg's file in TGAGAA Landlord he mentions that Berg is in medical school, so this must come after TGAGAA Presentation somewhere.


Here is an order which I think could make sense although you have to assume Boston had an unusually mild winter that year.

The Pilot
Two Guys, A Girl And A Party
Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Delivery
Two Guys, A Girl And A Celtic Game - Could switch with Two Guys, A Girl And A Guy, but must take place after mid October beginning of basketball season.
Two Guys, A Girl And A Guy
Two Guys, A Girl And A Presentation - Berg joins Med School
Two Guys, A Girl And A Landlord - Landlord mentions Berg is in Med School (Winter)
Two Guys, A Girl And An Apartment - Breakup with Melissa (Winter)
Two Guys, A Girl And A Dad - Initial scene takes place in Spring, flashback is 3 months earlier before Two Guys, A Girl And A Presentation.
Two Guys, A Girl And A Recovery - 2 Months after Breakup (Spring)
Two Guys, A Girl And A Softball Team - Spring Softball Season
Two Guys, A Girl And A Chance Encounter
Two Guys, A Girl And How They Met
