About Count Fosco

One thing that puzzled me is the fate of Count Fosco. In this film, his last appearance was kicking Marian off his company after he caught her searching through his things and taunting her that no one would ever believe her accusations against him. At the end of the movie, all of Sir Percival Glyde's crimes were exposed, but Count Fosco's fate was never revealed. Why is that?



Russell Baker was just making crap up to cover the tracks of screenwriters who had no idea what in the world they were doing.

He mentions that Count Fosco is one of the most interesting villains in literature. Why, then, did they make his role so much smaller in the movie? Sir Percival suddenly becomes the main villain in this one, and the Count just a minion of sorts. He also mentions that his enormous girth is one of the things that make him so unique. Why, then, did they cast a svelte actor in the role?

There were a lot of mistakes made in the making of this movie - too many to enumerate here, that's for sure - but their mishandling of the Count is definitely one of the worst.



Yes, I realize that. But it would be nice if he (or whoever wrote his script) had actually seen the movie he was introducing!


Agreed. Count Fosco (and Marian) are fascinating characters in the book, and neither is done justice here.
