Heavy Dental

WOW. I recently found an old video-cassette including three episodes, i was surprised of how dark some of the episodes where, especially for a Disney cartoon, that is. Heavy Dental is surprisingly adult featuring sexual refferences and a killing-machine upset with cutting Huey's head off to get back a mind-controlling device. Donald Duck delivers the comedy as usual. I have never seen this show in english, but the norwegian translation is great, especially Donald Duck is hugely memorable due to a great voice talent. I sure hope a DVD is on the way, especially since it is practically impossible to find any episodes to download on the internet.


They show the episodes all the time on "Toon Disney"

www.sadiepayne.com I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.


YES! I recently found out that i actually DO HAVE Toon Disney. It airs about four times a day, great stuff. I still can't believe how people don't get it. This is the greatest show EVER. The humour is perfect and much like the one in The Simpsons.


Where are you from, Macabre?

www.sadiepayne.com I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.




cool. Denmark here :)

www.sadiepayne.com I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.


And I'm a swede.

Wow, North-europeans likes Quack Pack.


I have a two-year old kid who loves her Disney channel ;)... what's your excuse? hehehe

www.sadiepayne.com I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.


That I've still got an inner child.

Otherwise. I'm not ashemed for liking Cartoons. Many of my friends does. And so do I. And with the enter of anime it has been far more excepted to watch cartoons. Except for what thoes bastards are doing to the animes as soon as they hit the US. Censorship. I hate that.


I know what you mean.
I used to get hell from my peers for liking cartoons, but since Anime and Manga became more popular in the western world, it was suddenly ok for me to like the cartoons.

www.sadiepayne.com I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.


Ja, världen är konstig eller hur? Jag är inte jätteförtjust i manga men det är skönt att den har gett serieälskande vuxna lite mer respekt. Jag är nästan lika hemma i Disneys och Marvels universum som jag är i mitt eget hus.

(Translation: Yeah, the world is weird, right? I'm not very keen about manga but it's good that it has given the comicbook loving adults a little more respect. I'm almost as home in Disney's and Marvels universe as I am in my own house.)


Jeg har altid været glad for det tegnede/animerede medie. Jeg kan specielt godt li Transformers (G1, ikke så meget de nye). :)
Men Disney har jo et væld af de rigtig gode historier, så det er rart at man godt kan gå på gaden og sige at man godt kan lide en bestemt tegnefilm, uden at folk glor mærkeligt på en :)

www.sadiepayne.com I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.


Finally got hold of the DVD. I just had to get it, even though it actually is a rip-off considering that the Ducktales and Chip n' Dale DVD's contain a total of 27 episodes each. While this DVD only includes 3. Anyway, i hadn't seen the show in English. And i became pleasently surprised as most of the voice actors did a good job, with Dewey's voice as an exception(He sometimes sounded to much like a girl, i know it is all girls who give voices to the nephews, but it wasn't as obvious with Huey and Louie) Donald is great as always. I still can't shake the feeling of disappointment, i was really looking forward to own every single episode on DVD. But i guess this 3-episode release is better than nothing at all.


Where did ya get your hands on it mate?


You mean the old VHS? Well, i bought it from a local toy store when i was a kid. I know there was released other videos in USA but they didn't include these episodes, so i guess it was only released here in Scandinavia. If they onley could release a Darkwing Duck DVD here.


Man, that's why I love my DVD-player. It can play WHS as well. That's the future man.

