
I know there is a lot of Quack Pack fans out there (I'm thinking first and foremost of my nordic neighbours from Denmark and Norway). So since there ain't a quote section we'll make on here. So post me your favourite quotes.

Louie: We said it a thousand times. The Ninja trashed the room.
Donald: Ninja, yeah right.
Louie: Ask knuckles.
Knuckles: Burp!
Louie: Fine, I'm taking you away from my christmas card list.

Dewey [after Huey returns with his cd-player, broken]: My CD-player!
Huey: I return what I borrow.
Dewey: But you break it first.
Huey: Come on! It's still working.
[CD-player falls to pieces]
Huey: So, it needs some adustments.

'Cuse my bad inglish!


Here's the best quote from the series and is taken from the episode "Return of the T-Squad".

Huey/The Really Incredible Fast Guy: "I saved the West-Coast...Well you know except for some peoples and buildings and stuff. What did you do Brain Boy?"
Dewey/Brain Boy: "I found out what it's like to be...a woman".
(Huey looks nervous, and in the next shot he is a mile away from Dewey)


HEYYY!! its great to see that there is some Quack Pack fans out there!!! I have been a fan of the show for a while and was so sad when it was cancelled!!=( LOVE THE QUOTES!! it keeps the show alive=D

Yours Truly,Felicia


New quotes:
Dewey: Tell me one more time. How did Huey make us do this?
Louie: The same way he always makes us do things: Way to easy.

Dewey & Louie [repetead line from Heavy Dental]: Time to call the plumber!
