MovieChat Forums > Love Me Deadly Discussion > WHO is or was Jacques La Certe???!!!

WHO is or was Jacques La Certe???!!!

This highly suspect moniker attributed to the director of this film stinks rancidly of pseudonym! Particularly suspect in that it is "his" sole attributed credit. Why would the writer and director of such a genius film choose to hide? Such is the hallmark of the true and very few creative geniuses, however, not requiring the externalized and conventional accolades of validation and praise of others, nor do their egos require such attention to affirm their worth...hahaha...!

Seriously, does ANYONE know who La Certe is or was? Maybe it was actually Lyle Waggoner!!?? I like to think so! Or even Timothy Scott (Fred McSweeney the homicidal mortician)!!! Most likely it was associate producer H.B. Halicki, perhaps? I truly hope that the forthcoming CODE RED dvd offers detailed discussions and intimations regarding the identity of and persona existent within "Jacques La Certe"!!!!! I just wonder when the dvd will see the light of day, though.



The latest issue of screem magazine contain an in-depth interview with the producer of Love Me Deadly where he discusses Mr. La Certe, who apparently was some kind of former stage director and an old friend of this producer.

If you're interested in Love Me Deadly it's worth tracking down because it goes through the film's convoluted production history.


He was a real guy as the last person to comment stated, matter of fact I'm the person that put in his birth/death info, after finding out that he has long been deceased! That's too bad, though, because it would have been interesting to hear his background on "Love Me Deadly".


hell if i know!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


According to the audio commentary on the Shriek Show DVD, that's the director himself playing the pre-credits corpse.



LoL! Now i'll have to go unearth my old VHS to re-watch that scene.

And kiss the screen. Ha Ha Ha!!
