The point of Hennig?

Kevin McKidds character, the daniel craig lookalike (i couldve sworn it was him). He didnt do much. Why was he standing on the back of the vehicle? Looked dangerous. Was he high? Why did he look that way when Winslet and the kid left. I thought he was going to go after her...


The way I see it he is just a dramatic device to show the craziness that Julia is taking her daughthers into. It just sets the path for the viewer to see that Morocco is not the best place for Julia to bring up her kids into and makes the final leaving more understandable. That Julia leaves him, just shows that she is finally coming round to the idea that she does not want to lose her mind or 'annihilate her self'.


I've read the book and in the book he had really bad sunstroke from sitting in the back of the pickup that made him babble incoherently and act strange.


I thought his strange actions, like standing in the sun so long he got a severe sunburn, were because he was taking psychedelic drugs. A lot of hippies went to Morocco to have spiritual experiences and some tried to find them with the aid of drugs.


Is his part bigger in the book? Does it explain his character more thoroughly, because it confused me a bit too.

Rock stars. Is there anything they don't know?


Yes somewhat ...more of an interaction with mother and daughter but really he was not using drugs, at least not at this time he just had a very bad sunstoke.


but he was weird when she first met him...I thought he was mentally stunted
