
I am stunned to see so many positive reviews of this movie. Even plentiful topless shots could not redeem this slow-crawling, dead plot fiasco. I tried, I really tried, but couldn't keep my interest up for more than about a half hour.



It's far better than any of the unoriginal generic crap that Hollywood's churning out.


If you were looking for "plentiful topless shots" to make the movie you wanted to see - I suspect you'd be better off surfing the internet for porn.

I've nothing against topless shots, and actually enjoy them, but that's not why I watched this movie.

It wasn't a "dead plot fiasco". It probably just wasn't what you were looking for.

Perhaps Porky's is more your speed. I'm not saying this was a great movie, but it was intriguing and kept my interest for its entire length.


I beg to differ. This film does indeed have a poetic sort of cadence. I'm so sorry for the original poster who cannot appreciate the beauty and adventure of this movie.

I would so prefer to watch a movie of this caliber than the usual tripe offered as "entertainment". Open your eyes and heart and embrace a new experience.


The original poster never said that he set out to watch this because of the various (and if you ask me, pointless) shots of Kate Winslet's breasts, or that he preferred most of the crap out there that's trying to be passed off as entertainment. He only said that even those shots couldn't redeem this movie.

I agree that it wasn't good at all. And before you go and claim that I only enjoy movies like Date Movie and the endless spin-offs of Scary Movie, think again. I enjoy a film outside of the norm. Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses which is why I decided to watch this, and while she was good in it, the movie itself was boring and pointless.

"Starting tonight people will die. I'm a man of my word. Hahaha!"


Boring and pointless?

The point of story was we were seeing a young English mother trying to go on a journey of self-discovery, except there happened to her her two children involved which in itself made a brilliant story from start to finish as the point of story (which you clearly missed) was how Kate Winslet's character was dealing with being a responsible parent in country and culture which was alien yet not realising it was tearing her family apart.

The Morroccan scenery was stunning! The cast all individually acted brilliantly and it thankfully lacked that generic feel of Hollywood.

You're entitled to your opinion but I personally feel this film was one of Kate Winslet's best (along with Eternal Sunshine & Holy Smoke).


I liked it.

It's called a BRAIN. ~USE IT!


If you call someone looking for something different when things she counted on didn't work out, then I guess it was pointless. Just as I guess it would be pointless for someone for another culture to look for sustenance in Christianity.

Come on, wasn't it more fun than watching a film about a woman in England trying to make do in the welfare system in England while her chidren's father has relationships with other women? At least we got to see a bit of the world.


I struggled to watch the entire movie...useless!
