MovieChat Forums > When Trumpets Fade (1998) Discussion > Anybody know this movie....

Anybody know this movie....

There was a movie i saw about 15-20 years back.

I think it was about the American/German battle in the Ardennes forest during World War 2.

There was a scene which showed a bunch of American soldiers and German soldiers meeting up near a log cabin and agreeing not to fight but to stage a mock fight.

However one of the american soldiers (mentally broken down by the war) shoots a german soldier during the mock firing and triggers a real shootout.

There is another scene where just 3-4 american soldiers survive and are forced to carry an injured colleague through enemy lines. They use the blood of the injured soldier to draw the red-cross mark on their helmets in the hope that it will prevent them from being shot.

Finally i remember one scene where they storm a small house in the forest. When the throw open the door of the house a goat comes out of the house much to the relief of the tense soldiers.

I am sorry i cant give any more details. I was a kid when i saw this movie and would really like to see it again. I dont even know if it was a made for TV movie though i dont think so. It is definetly not one of the top war movies else i would have rememembered it or found it on imdb :-)

Will appreciate a lot if anyone can help me out here. Thanks.


A Midnight Clear (1992)

1/505 LRSU 81-85


Thanks much, fvernic.

Yes. I think that is indeed the movie.

When i watched it on the TV, as a kid, i missed quite a lot of the start of the movie... when it showed on cable last month i missed almost all of the later part of the movie.

So i couldn't really connect the scenes i remembered with this movie.

I will try and get a DVD for it (so difficult in my part of the world).

Many thanks again for your help.



Here's some avenues to try to find it on DVD....possibly;

Also, here's the Book the film is based on, I read it a couple years before the film came out and highly suggest it:

Good luck,


1/505 LRSU 81-85


Thanks, Fvernic. Will do

Surveillance unit eh .. Man you specops guys are really something else :-)
