MovieChat Forums > When Trumpets Fade (1998) Discussion > Nice Happy-Meal MAP there commander!!!

Nice Happy-Meal MAP there commander!!!

Good movie, had some funny parts but some stirring parts as well.. I definitely enjoyed it..

But I couldnt get over, the part where the commander whips out his lil' map with a BIG red crayon arrow drawn across the river.. the map looked like they got it from some local Haus of Pankakkes von International (IHOP) while @ breakfast or something and decided to draw all over it...

It just looked so silly I couldnt believe they would let something like that slide. Army maps look much more technical with little numbers & bearing & heading indicators everywhere. Furthermore how they ZOOMED in on the map a few times was even more unbelieveable. almost like they intended that audience to get a laugh out of it..


I have read that the US had little in the way of Army developed GI maps for Europe in WWII, at least as far as local maps were concerned. They basically made copies of locally available maps which had often been developed for tourism and travel and these were scaled in kilometers, which no doubt lead to some confusion with the American and Commonwealth countries who were still using Imperial measurements almost exclusively.

I think they actually portrayed this rather realistically but nonetheless, good pickup!

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


I just watched this film last night and thought the same thing...
It was a very simple (almost cartoonish) map - totally devoid of all the detail that normally goes into most cartography!
