Greatest theme tune EVER!!!!

I just found the theme tune on the internet and it brought a tear to my eye.
This has to be my favourite theme tune ever.
Anyone else?

"Why are you wearing that stupid human costume?"


everytime i hear it it brings a lump to my throat and because of it i read the book and all of jules verns others,

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow



I would have to agree that "Around the World with Willy Fog" is indeed the best theme tune around at the time. My only concern with Series 2 was a new Willy Fog who couldn't sing to save his life!




its really goood but I cant remember the words....

Oh, Dr. Beeching what have you done?
There once were lots of trains to catch



I love it! I bought the box set on DVD recently (just cos i loved it so much when i was younger and i wanted to see it again) and now i know the words. Its such a good theme tune.

Im also a fan of the raggy dolls theme tune and the denver the last dinosaur theme. Very catchy lol.


Any body know where I can download the Full (extended) version of the theme tune? I've looked everywhere :(


Yeah always makes me smile. I would have it played at my funeral but that honour goes to the Littlest Hobo theme tune.


Toss up with dogtanian
