
Who perform the songs in the movie?
Is it really Christian Valentin for the male singer or is he just playing the role of the singer?
And what about the female singer?
Any idea?

"In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


I was wondering the same thing... I hope someone does know who does the music in the film; I really enjoyed it!


I know. I have the one song stuck in my head. You know...Ma petite amie! I love it! The translation is so telling. I love how the guys Alice wants, look and act like the dude singing. I liked how Alice is influenced and basically formed by both the male and female pop idols. The guy singing reminded me of how most rap stars act today and the girl is awfully reminiscent of Britney (I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman)Spears. Which is funny considering this film was made in the 70's! Of course these symbols have been around long before rap & Britney! I just think it's so poignant seeing this film today when these examples are so cartoonishly obvious than ever before!

If I had a nickel for every cigarette your mom smoked, I'd be dead.
