MovieChat Forums > Une vraie jeune fille (2000) Discussion > This was the dirtiest film that I never ...

This was the dirtiest film that I never saw coming at me lol

When I rented this film I thought it was going to be an artsy out look on a teen girl experiencing sexuality. This was waaaaayyy to much upclose vagina and penis shots for me lol. The crush was hot but I dont know I just didnt think the film over all needed as much sexual acts as it had. My fav scenes where when she was around "Jim" anticipating.



It wasn't supposed to turn you on, I guess. It shows how adults confuse young people by different messages they sent.

Only few generations ago a girl at her age would probably be married with at least two kids and would have no needs for worms or wires. Now young people go to school, often long after their adolescence is over, and postpone their marriage even longer, till they get a (good) job, earn for car and maybe house etc. In the same time, society that makes pressure on them to make it all before getting married condemns any kind of pre-marital sexual activities. So, left on their own, confused adolescents can find themselves in pretty weird situations and relations.

This was filmed in 70's, years opened to sex and remembered for the liberty. Today the situation is much worse, all kinds of pressure on young people have grown since then. And there is no chance that we can see how it looks like nowadays, because an author that would boldly touch such a subject would make his commercial and professional suicide, and probably become persona non grata in half of the world with thousands of petitions for his imprisoning even on such democratic site like IMDb.

So, movies to compare this one must be looked for in past decades. I'd suggest Leolo (Canada). I found it by far more bizarre than Une vraie... - can you believe?


I totally agree, but what kind of upsets me is that the society that we live in now is much more conservative when it comes to sexual curiosity, or anything having to do with sex at all, but seems to have less objections to seeing violent movies where you actually see a persons guts being blown across the screen. We accept violence and cruelty much more than we accept acts related to sex. We live in a much more cruel world, from when I was a kid, where no one would even dream of putting poison or other bad things in Halloween candy.


I agree with you completely, but there are some people (or nations) that would never agree with you (or us), and they not only have the biggest influence but want to overflow the whole world with their values. And the situation you describe is far from being limited to the movies, it is a reflex and consequence of relations in the world. During 70's people were less inhibited regarding their sexuality, and became less tolerant to war. Obviously, some people were not so happy about it, so they had to change it, and the best way to prepare people to accept war and even take part in it is to make them accept, and even love the violence. The rest is not (as it's usually said) the history, but it is the present and very likely future as well, unless people refuse to follow this "moral" leaders.


The poison in candy is an urban legend, a myth.

'...the ultimate ending, is war itself.'


Since you choose to be pedantic, I will respond in kind: - read at least halfway through this one.


Hm ? The Halloween one there says that there have been no random candy killings at Halloween ?


My brother got an apple with a razor blade stuck in it when he went trick or treating on Halloween in NYC in the 1960's. No legend there, it was just a part of knocking on the wrong doors.


If anyone can make something natural and beautiful dirty it's Catherine Breillat. I think this film put me off sex for awhile. & I might just have to stop masturbating with spoons and worms.



I wasn't bothered by all the sex and nudity in this movie. I wasn't turned on by it either. Charlotte Alexandra is (was) quite lovely, it's a shame she didn't make more movies. But I didn't see it primarily as a sex movie. It was more an exploration of adolescent angst. (See my review). I thought it was way better than "American Beauty" . . . but probably not as good as "American Pie" (which I've never seen in its entirety). If you want a good film about teenaged girls exploring their sexuality I recommend "Coming Soon" with Bonnie Root, Tricia Vessey, and Gaby Hoffmann.


I like Breillat films - and films with SEX SCENES, sanctimonious prudes!


A great steamy movie, but leaving one rather unsatisfied at the lack of a proper climax. Something of a throwback to the old theme of improper sex always leading to a bad ending.


is this gory?
tell me all abut the nudity in this!!!


I haven't seen it, but it looks good.
14 yr old french girl having sex, oh boy


There is nudity and sexual scenes.
But if you want to see it for those reasons you'll be wasting your time.
It is pretty much the least erotic movie I've ever seen.
And I believe the director intended it that way.
