MovieChat Forums > School's Out! (1992) Discussion > Very dissapointed in the way the charact...

Very dissapointed in the way the characters are portrayed

When we saw Joey in the final year of the series, he was showing signs of maturity, but in this movie, the Joey we saw was a complete immature ass with the same maturity level he had in grade 7 in the early days. Are we supposed to believe that a guy like Joey went all through high school without having sex?? Give me a break. And how about proposing marriage before he's out of high school and even has a decent job. I find it hard to believe that even he could be that stupid. Snake also came off as a complete ass and was totally unrealistic. In the last year of high school, Snake was going on dates and hooked up with at least 2 nice looking babes that we know about and apparently was dating regularly. He was also one of the more popular guys in his junior year of high school. In this movie, not only was he a complete ass, but they turned him into a complete dork who looked like he couldn't have sex if his life depended on it. Wheels was a little more realistic, but talk about a depressing ending. It's not like they were gonna do a sequel, so I don't understand why they couldn't end it on a happy note. He gets drunk, kills a kid, and cripples somebody for life, and goes to jail. Nice ending to a dissapointing movie.


I agree with you to some degree, on Joey I dont, it was realistic, who wasnt doing two chicks after high school and the way Caitlen said no to him and to have a hot Tessa right there! It was a realstic portrait of many guys who had just finished high school.

Snake I have to say I agree with you here, he was one of my favourites through the series and I also dont agree with him been ended like that on the movie.

Wheels... he was just a loser as soon as he started wearing glass's!

Overall I liked the movie but I always enjoyed watching these 3 and just been boys, more so Snake and Joey, they tried to save it when they meet at the weeding again but to meet as stangers almost just didnt seem right. And I dont think they it right to have Snake lose it at Joe at the site for such a reason.


It wasn't that he had two girls that I felt was unrealistic, but I felt his overall behavior in general took about 20 steps backwards as far as his maturity level goes. The fact that he was 18 years old and still a virgin was very unrealistic to me as well.


Does the fact that Joey is supposed to be a virgin when he is 18 really bother you that much?


What bothers me is that it is not true to his character. same problem I had with the other characters in the movie


Why isn't it true to his character? He was the guy who finished last the entire series. The girls of Degrassi weren't spreading their legs for him, why is that so hard to believe?


Give me a break. A guy like that would've hooked up at least once all through high school. He had self confidence and the looks and he was never shy about trying for girls either. SOMEBODY would've took the bait by then.


In the series he was a confident, popular and nice guy. He didn't seem to be the kind of person who who get so worked up about being a virgin. I feel that he's the kind of guy who would know that it would come to him sooner or later and that there was no hurry. He was so stupid and mean in this movie - when Joey and Caitlin got engaged he didn't seem to be upset because he had cheated on her (wich the real Snake would have) but mainly that Joey got to have sex with two girls. Snake was so caught up in his own "misery" that he couldn't even be happy for his friend. Snake was really out of character. He didn't seem to be the kind of guy who just mopes and feels sorry for himself.

About Joey being a virgin... It's a bit surprising, but not that unlikely. He was good looking and dared to talk to people, but at the same time some girls may have found him to be desperate. But maybe he was a virgin simply because of chance - he just hadn't met the right girl. In my class, I would guess that at least half the guys were virgins when we graduated (at 18-19). Among the girls, I know that it was just me and two other girls. If I look at who were/weren't virgins in my old school class, I don't think it only had to do with personality and looks - a lot of other factors played into account as well.

I think that Wheels was completely realistic in the film though. He was just like you'd expect him to be. I felt incredibly sorry for him when he ended up in jail, but it felt like something Wheels could have done. When Joey visited him, he still blamed everybody else for his misery. "Why wasn't the kid wearing a seat belt" etc. I've just re-watched the entire Degrassi series, and everytime Wheels have come on screen I have felt sorry, since I knew how he would end up.


Snake was definitely out of character in this movie. In the show, he was a nice guy who was a little awkward, but he seemed to have no problem getting girls to like him.

In the movie, he was a jerk that couldn't get any girls.


wheels was a little more realistic?

how the hell did he get laid before joey and snake? realistic my a s s
the only thing realistic about wheels was his dirtbag accent and mullet. I dont understand how the gang all looked up to wheels and he called them "virgins" but the show never clearly explained how wheels ever got laid in the first place. Maybe that guy with the vacuums in his station wagon got a little farther then we saw...i mean wheels did look angry when he picked up that rock.


Maybe He shouldn't have gotten laid before Joey or snake. But would you rather that he was portrayed as a virgin too? I was speaking more of his attitude and the way he behaved seemed more true to his character


no i'd just like to know who in degrassi would be the slut that boinked the kid with the dead parents out of sympathy. Wheels was the man, dont get me wrong, but he was a pretty big scum bag by the end of the show. I heard he worked at a pizza pizza even afterwards, i mean what the hell happend.

plus who made you the degrassi don mega. you probably have no idea about degrassi and just saw schools out poser.


I just stated my opinion on the movie, I don't see any reason to get personal with me. Poser? pfft... you sound like a teenage kid on a metal forum. I've watched this show from the beginning when it first aired, which I'm willing to bet was long before you were born.


yea right! i graduated high school in 1992 you dont even know who you're talking to idiot! i'm from canada too, which i'm willing to bet you're not. you're the one who made it personal buddy! give me your address so i can kick your ass!


With that response, you sound even younger than I originally thought you were.


very funny. you're just a stupid jerk like dwayne.


As can be seen, you bhoeg started being personal and really angry and offensive. I hope since then you've grown up a bit...


"how the hell did he get laid before joey and snake? realistic my a s s the only thing realistic about wheels was his dirtbag accent and mullet."

We never saw the girl he lost his virginity to. Maybe she looked like Nancy.


That's exactly what I thought. I didn't like the fact that many characters, particularly Joey, seemed to take a big step back in character development. Joey was always kind of a douche but he was worst in the beginning. Remember how he teased Melanie about being flat or Michelle about being a "mouse"? Both his fight with Dwayne and being held back seemed to humble him a bit and he got better. The last season, in particular, we saw a great amount of character growth in Joey. He was very good in the way he helped Caitlin deal with Claude's suicide and he even counseled his former archenemy Dwayne when he got AIDS. He really seemed to be growing up into a decent young man and seemed like he really loved Caitlin. Then in School's Out, he's a worse jerk than ever and what I hated the most is how he showed no remorse for how he treated Caitlin (and Tessa too, for that matter). I could accept him being frustrated by Caitlin not being around much and wanting to wait for sex so he succumbs to sex with Tessa but later regrets it. This films plotline just made me despise him.

Snake too seemed to revert back to his early school days when he was a total dork. By the end, however, he was a lot better and even had two fairly attractive girls liking him. So what made him become so dorky again?

I was not happy with the way Wheels regressed either but at least it was fairly belieable. Near the end of the show, Wheels seemed to have gotten him life together and resumed his friendships with Snake and Wheels. In this film, he drives drunk, kills a kid and goes to jail. One thing I've noticed is that Joey gets a lot more likeable as the show goes on and Wheels gets a lot less liekable. In this film, they're both at their worst.


With Joey, it was believable that he was still a virgin in High School because he was really hung up on Caitlin all through the series. And his proposing, I took it as Joey was fearful of losing Caitlin when she went to University, so he proposed to her. That was my impression, anyway.

With Snake, to me he seemed like the only nice guy out of the 3 in this movie. Joey was CONSTANTLY being an *beep* to him and ribbing him, ALL the time. Good friends go too far, but not that much too far? Joey went well beyond 'that much too far'. At the end I was almost shouting at Snake through the tv to pummel Joey, he was pissing me off too. I think Snake was very patient and took a lot, and in the end he had had absolutely enough and it was not funny anymore, which is understandable. I felt so sorry for him, and was so happy when he (the only one out of the boys) had a happy ending with Pam. He so deserved it!

With Wheels, well what a depressing ending. I never liked him. He always used everyone and took people for granted. Even in the movie he said "no more living with my grand parents!", not bad in itself, but it was the TONE that he said it in. He never appreciated anyone or anything. NOTHING was EVER his fault. I had to laugh though, when he said to Snake (just before he had the big argument with Snake and left in the car with Lucy): "You really feel sorry for yourself, don't you?" I almost burst out laughing and said - look who's bloody talking! If anyone, right through the series up until the end of School's Out!, felt sorry for themselves, it was Wheels. He was so self-absorbed and felt the world owed him, and he owed no one nothing. I wish they could have redeemed him somehow at the end.



I feel like the charactor of Wheels died when his parents did. He just wasn't a good kid anymore after that. It really messed him up and he continued to let it mess him up until it got him sent to Jail where he STILL didn't feel remorse until after he had nothing but time to really think about things for probably a few years and then began to regret everything. I think I honestly stopped liking the charactor of Wheels once he grew the mullet. It's like it changed his entire personality. I can barely beleive the Wheels from Season one is the same Wheels in Schools Out. That Mullet sure made a difference LOL


I think Joey's treatment of Snake was what bothered me the most about this movie. He always had some issues with his treatment of women and, although he seemed to have grown out of that in the show, it wasn't that surprising that it continued.
However, Joey was always a good friend, even in his jerkish early days, not only to Snake and Wheels but also to his new friend Rick. Not to mention, this is the guy who supported and befriended his former bully Dwayne when nobody else would! Even when he got Snake and Wheels in trouble, I always got the impression that it was unintentional and that he felt bad afterwards.
The Joey in this movie doesn't ring true to me.
