
war never changes

R.O.D the tv...nuff said



Tell that to Bethesda.




That war never changes? Well you'd be damn wrong, war changes all the god damn time, this might be a nice quote, but it's wrong as hell, everything about war has changed, the settings, the weapons, the reasons, the manner we fight war has changed, yeesh.

And telling this to Bethesda wouldn't do jack squat genius, big whoop, go make up some aimless little jab somewhere else.

BUY MY MUFFINS YOU STUPID *beep* http://imdb.com/title/tt0384537/board/thread/56435861


"WAR - A contention by force; or the art of paralysing the forces of an enemy. "

War NEVER changes.


I write messages on money. It is my own form of social protest.
