Todd singing Todd

Paul Gimatti did a FANTASTIC job of Todd Rundgren's "Hello It's Me", even copying Todd's vocal phrasing and inflections.

Do you think it was just coinsidence that Todd's character would end up singing Todd's song, or is the screenwriter perhaps a fan?

Any other Todd fans out there?

kevztunz Creative Works
Movies, Music, and Passion


I was finally able to catch this movie on TBS when it wasn't already in the middle of it, for a change, so I had to fathom my way through the "movie and a makeover" edit, which left me wondering how much of the movie I missed. It sure seemed like I was missing alot, for sure.

But, yeah, I was pleasantly surprised to hear "Hello, It's Me", as well. As to the question of whether it was a coincidence that the character's name was Todd, Rundgren seems to hold alot of appeal for artists and other creative people, so it wouldn't surprise me if the screenwriter (or director, or even Giamatti, himself), had him in mind when they made this film. I was, also, glad to see Giamatti and Andre Braugher reunited, after they had worked together on one of the last of the really great Homicide: Life On The Street episodes.

Rundgren is bugged by the fact that the song he's usually only remembered for is one he wrote when he was 18, when he's released this huge library of great work that few know about, since then. You never know, though. Some younger audience members might see this film, wonder who did that song, and end up becoming huge fans of his.


Only another Todd disciple would catch the "coincidence" :-)
Here in the S.F. bay area we have had a saying since the 70s: "Todd is God"
Thats overstating it I know but its the way many of us felt.

Not one to just manufacture product for commercial success, Todd legacy is real art like Utopias "RA" or "Oops Wrong Planet".

Hermit of Mink Hollow is written,arranged,produced and all instruments played by
Todd. Alone. Hmm maybe Todd is....


Actually, being a Bay Area resident for many years, myself, I remember it as "Todd is Godd". I liked the way he responded to the reporter's question about people saying that. He said, "It's just an easy thing to say, because it rhymes. It could just as easily be "Todd is Mod". Utopia never really got it, for me, the way his solo work did.

Oh, to be in Santa Cruz, at the Catalyst, next Friday .... what I wouldn't give.


They should have used Bang on the Drums.


Danish Todd fan saying hello here.

Finally experienced him live when he visited Copenhagen this winter. What a show!

And a question for the American fans:

Not too many knows his name over here. I thought it was curious, that "Hello, It's Me" was played in this movie, as if it were something that most people could easily sing along to without any preparation, if you catch my meaning? I know that Todd is a lot more well known in America, but is this really realistic? Or did I miss something? Did Todd (the Gimatti-Todd) slip the karoke-bar-people a disc of his own or something?
