Complete DVD Set

The BBC Have now released the complete series 1 - 3 on DVD.

Its a bit low on extras but has a funny if a bit short where are they now scene.


I bought it last week, I've always loved the show, I can't believe it wasn't much more popular.


I got it in Music Zone today for £9.97 or something.


blimey...i just got it off for £18...i'm looking in the wrong places for my dvds!!!


I guess it lacks in extras maybe because they squeezed all 19 episodes onto 3 discs.. I have yet to listen to the audio commentary..

Glad they released it though.. the first release of the dvd set was missing episodes.


My only problem is they didn't include the original pilot (which is show in the "in the beginning" extra feature) and the "where are they now" extra feature is just depressing.

But I guess it's better than the extras on "the sopranos" boxsets.



Do these discs have the intrusive and unnecessary laughter track?


Unfortunately yes, they do. Only on the second and third series though.
