MovieChat Forums > Felicity (1998) Discussion > So everyone Felicity met in college all ...

So everyone Felicity met in college all became friends with one another.

Lol I'm sorry, but I thought this part was ridiculous and unrealistic. Basically, everyone Felicity befriended all came together, and that was a group of friends in college. Did none of them make any friends on their own? It's like all of them have Felicity to thank for all of the close friends they made in college, which is really over the top. I guess the one real exception is Tracy, whom Elena met having nothing to do with Felicity. Maybe Richard too. But Richard and Tracy weren't really main characters anyway.

But really. This is a group of people who would probably never have come together in real life. The entire group centered around Felicity, which doesn't make sense because Felicity isn't exactly a social butterfly, she's shy and introspective and couldn't even talk to Ben for four years of high school.

Noel was Felicity's RA. Elena lived in Felicity's dorm and was in her pre med classes. Julie was some girl Felicity met in a class. Ben was Felicity's high school crush. Meghan was Felicity's freshman year roommate who no one even liked at first. I suppose Sean was the exception, because he came into the group through being Ben's roommate. But really, the only thing any of these people have in common is Felicity. They would not have all been friends in that way if they had never known her.

I was always under the impression that people had different groups of friends in college, or that they just had individual friends, rather than spending all their time with one group of people. But for them, it's like everyone Felicity met just formed a group and none of them made friends on their own.


In college, most of the initial friends I made were from my floor in my dorm. We all hung out together even though we all had different personalities. I had more friends from my dorm than I did from my classes- my lecture halls were huge and I never really made friends with anyone in them. And I also became friends with my friends' friends, much like Felicity did.

I was in college at the same time as Felicity (in fact my college years lined up with hers exactly) and I don't think it was uncommon to have friend groups like hers back then.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.
