MovieChat Forums > The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Discussion > why didn't Dickie give Slyvana the money...

why didn't Dickie give Slyvana the money?

I thought she only wanted Dickie to help her get off the island and terminate the pregnacy. Why wouldn't help her.


Because he was up for the fun but didn't take responsibility.

Hell yes!



It surprises me that Dickie didn't give her money for an abortion, because her fiance, brother(s), and father would have come after him if it had become known that she was pregnant and he was the father. Sylvana killing herself was actually a lucky break for Dickie.

But his luck didn't hold.

"I am always happy to engage in POLITE discourse."

De gustibus non est disputandum.


He got what he deserved, irresponsible snob and prick that he was. He called Tom a leech when he was the leach. Tom was working for the father and entertaining and running errands for Dickie - far more than Dickie ever did for anybody. He was a selfish spoiled wretch. Dickie and Freddie deserved to die. The world would be better off without them. Who would miss them but the local hotels, restaurants, prostitutes and superficial women who let themselves be duped and used?


Because he was a no-good, irresponsible, selfish, uncaring snob.


I agree with all the comments above. Plus he's selfish and narcissistic. He really wasn't crazy wealthy that he could just pay her off and not notice the dent in his bank account. He was trying to look high-class but living off a monthly "allowance", which was livable but not extravagant. They couldn't afford a car, for example.


But he sure spent it on party.


I don´t think he was trying to look "high-class". He was high class albeit a trust fund kid. He mentions the fact they were living in some of the best places in Italy, the monthly allowance wasn´t enough to buy a vehicle outright but it was enough to live well.


Because he was a greedy, selfish, despicable piece of shit, that's why.
