MovieChat Forums > Scream 3 (2000) Discussion > Why are people acting like this film is ...

Why are people acting like this film is bloodless?

Because it's not. One of Scream 2's rules was "more blood, more gore" but the goriest bit was the scene with the police officer getting impaled. Cotton's death has a lot of blood, Steven spits up blood, and Tyson and Jennifer's deaths had a fair amount of blood.


You were able to list 4 deaths with blood, but EVERY death in 2 had some. There was more blood on Randy's body than all of the deaths in Scream 3 combined, and he wasn't even killed onscreen. There was also a general brutality to the kills, as opposed to stabbing everyone once and running away.


It still has a fair amount of blood shed though. People are acting like it's some PG-13 Prom Night remake.


And I'm sorry, but nothing in Scream 2 was as bloody as the opening scene in Scream.

"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"


And I'm sorry, but nothing in Scream 2 was as bloody as the opening scene in Scream.

Maybe not, but the prevailing feel of Scream 2 was, overall, more violent/unsettling than the first one. This third is easier on the eyes though, because it's more conservative with the blood. I like the first movie a lot, cause it sets up the story. But, I could have done without the graphic image of Drew Barrymore's death in the opening scene and I could have done without the over-the-top craziness of the killers near the end---stabbing each-other FOR FUN?!

Movies like Scream can be made without that excess, just take Hitchcock's PSYCHO as an example. But, those scenes aside, it's a great movie-mystery, and for that, a favorite, same with Scream 3. Scream 2 though, it was just too eerie for me. I didn't care nearly as much for it. In fact, I was rather disappointed by it, because it took a definite more somber tone that I did not appreciate.

My least favorite thing about Scream 3 though, was the mother/ghostly scenes---because that's much more terrifying than a masked killer that can at least be caught!

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Billy and Stu stabbing each other wasn't for fun, though that doesn't seem to stop it from being considered graphic

Also, there were no 'ghost' scenes in Scream 3. It was all Roman and Sidney's dream

I'll take a potato chip...and EAT IT!!


Why do so many people not get that?

I quote one reviewer "They brought in the Telekinetic..."


"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"



Honestly, I suspect more people just look to hate Scream 3 than would care to admit. There are legitimate gripes to the movie, but to continually harp on aspects that don't actually exist in the movie...

I'll take a potato chip...and EAT IT!!


Yes but Scream 2 is HORRIBLE


Why argue with reality? Scream 3 was a much less violent and gory affair than its predecessors.


Didn't hurt.

"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"


What about Tom's death? I didn't see anything like that in the other movies. Of course they didn't prolong his suffering like Green Mile, but that's quite violent.


Which one was Tom again?

It says a lot about this movie that as many times as I've seen this, I can't recall most of the side characters' names.


Scream 3 was pretty tame compared to the other two movies.
