MovieChat Forums > Scream 3 (2000) Discussion > favorite kills in the whole saga

favorite kills in the whole saga

Now we all know Scream is one of the greatest horror movies of all time. It was one of the seminal Slashers films. And as for the sequels, well…..they had their moments. And while this list has been done many times before…uh….now I’m going to do it. So in the interest of being morbid I’d like to rank my favorite murders from the series. I want to keep the list manageable so I’m only gonna do 7. There were 7 killers, so 7 murders on the list, there is a certain symmetry to it.
So here it is. The best, most fun, entertaining, gruesome and shocking murders:

7. Scream 3: Sarah’s death. Okay Scream 3 wasn’t great. Originally I was going to do 8 kills, two per movie, but frankly this film didn’t have more than one good kill. Columbine had happened, people were getting all crazy about movie violence again. And as a result most of the kills in this film were pretty uninspired. Though I do like it when Jenny McCarthy eats it. While a lot of people don’t like the Hollywood setting and that story is built around the making of Stab 3 but at least it was different. You have Jenny rehearsing her scene over the phone with what she thinks is her director (its the killer) she’s talking about her script, going through scene where her character is killed and then it switches to her actually getting killed. Come on that’s pretty clever. She is in the studio and when things turn ugly over the phone, she just happens to run into a room full of Ghostface costumes. She is trying to hide, she thinks it’s safe and then just like that one of the costumes comes to life. She tries to run, he catches up to her, donkey punches her (you rarely see Ghostface actually throw a punch) through a window and then stabs her in the back. While the Ghostface room is clever, what really makes this scene work is the opening conversation. Jenny points out how ridicules Stab 3 is going to be. Like her character Sarah is taking a shower in the scene and she points out, why would she be showering if her boyfriend just got gutted. She also bemoans that her character only had two scenes in Stab 3, fitting since Jenny McCarthy only had two scene in Scream 3.
6. Scream 2; Officer Andrews and Office Richards. I love just how out of nowhere this kill is. Sid and that other girl are with the two cops in there car, on the way to a safe house. They think they’re okay and them BAM. Ghostface pops up out of nowhere, smashes through the driver side window. Cuts the one cops throat, knocks the other cop out of the car and drives off, with the cop now on the hood. I think it’s the only time we see Ghostface drive. And then, after some rather poor driving, crashes the car into a construction site, bashing some pipes into the cops face. Pretty gruesome. But it shows that Ghostface can think on his feet and he can improvise. Even with a police escort he can still get to Sid. And I love the image of Ghostface driving around with Sid and the other girl trapped in the back seat. Totally at his mercy. And you got to love that scene where Sid has to crawl over the unconscious killer, to get out of the car. That was tense.

5. Scream 4; Kirby’s death. Now first off Hayden Panettiere was pretty hot. Not every girl can pull off the short hair but she does it nicely. But to the point you really don’t see her death coming. She goes outside to free one of the Culkin’s (I’m not sure which, but I don’t think it matters). He is all tied up, supposedly by Ghostface. She answers a series of typical Ghostface questions. She thinks she answered them right, goes out to unite the Culkin and then…big knife right in the stomach. Its just such a surprise. And man is it brutal. Its one of the only Ghostface kills in the whole series where the killer isn’t wearing the costume. And while the Culkin was over all a pretty crappy killer (Way to small, way to whiny, not threatening. Probably the second worse killer in the series. Try and guess who the #1 worst killer is) Still thought, I think he did he a good job here. Just the way he comforts her as she is dying. Telling her it’s okay, shussssing her. I love the part when he tells her “I know, I know, its not fast like in the movies.” Something very creepy about that. He liked her, but he was just to far gone into the whole ghostafce thing but still he wanted to give her some last minute comfort. And I know some people debate whether she is alive or not but I think she’s dead. In horror movies, unless you see the person dragged out at the end on a stretcher, there dead. Shame too. She was cute.
4. Scream; Tatum and the Garage. Okay yeah garage doors don’t work like that, but hey its suspension of disbelief right. That being said I love that scene. Rose Mcgowan was pretty hot and you know I guess it was real cool in there. And just the way the scene builds. At first Tatum thinks it all fun and games and its Randy screwing around. And yes she is the first person to ever use the name Ghostface. You got to love how the scene turns. Tatum is just goofing around and then he slices her arm. And I know people think it’s stupid she that she tries to get out through a doggy door. But really think about it, if someone cut your arm with a hunting knife you don’t think you would freak out. You would have a spike of adrenaline and you would think I got to get out of here. So yeah maybe trying to crawl through a doggy dog doesn’t seem that far fetched. And just the way Ghostface so nonchalantly, gets up and press the button. She gets lifted up. She sees it coming. And then her head gets smushed. I always thought that was a pretty creative death. One of the few not gun or knife related deaths.

3. Scream 4: Olivia’s Death. This death has such a great build up. You have Kirby and Jill in there house and Olivia in the house next door. Olivia was also getting undressed and she was pretty cute. Ghostface calls Kirby, says typical Ghostface stuff. It culminates with Ghostface saying he is in the closet. There is some tension, so forth. Kirby check the closet. And…he’s not there. Then he says “I didn’t say I was in your closet.” And Boom, Ghostface pops out of Olivia’s closet and just ravages her. And all the girls can do is watch. It is really unsettling watching the attack through a window. You can’t see too much but you can tell it’s’ horrible. And then Ghostface bashes her head through the window and hangs her outside the window showing the girls, almost like a hunting trophy. But what really sells this scene is when Sid sees it and runs over to the house. She’s too late, of course, but she sees the aftermath. Blood sprayed all over the walls, still dripping. And Olivia lying on the bed next to her exposed intestines. Now as much *beep* as this series got over its violence, it’s not that graphic in its gore, not like some of those horror films from the 80’s or the torture porgn we have today. Mostly you just see people get stabbed and some blood. There are only a few really graphic shots. But the shot of Olivia on the bed is def one of em.
2. Scream 2: Maureen at the Movie theater. In one of the most Meta scenes in Scream history, the opening scene is at a theater where a movie based on the first movie (the Woodsboro Murders as they are referred to in the Scream Universe) is being shown. The scene where Omar Epps eats it is kind of goofy, I mean Ghoststabs him through a bathroom stall wall, but Jada Pinkett’s death was brutal. She is in the theater sitting next to what she thinks is her boyfriend, watching the movie. The boyfriend is already dead, and the killer is now sitting next to her in his jacket with the ghostface mask on. The movie plays, it’s the same set up as the first time, except now its Heather Graham in the Drew Barrymore role and the movie Stab threw in a gratuitous shower scene. It gets scary and Jada seeks solace by cowering in her ‘boyfriends’ coat. Pulls back and she sees he’s got blood all over him. Ghostface/Boyfriend pulls out a big ass knife sticks it into her gut. She makes a run for it but Ghostface chases after her. Everyone in the theater can see it happening but they all think it’s a gag or something. Everybody in the theater is wearing Ghostface masks and carrying fake knifes so no one thinks anything of it. Its probably the most ghosftace’s we ever see at one time. Ghostface stabs her a couple more times before he disappears into the see of masks. And the scene ends with her crawling to the front of the theater. She stands in front of the screen and lets out one final scream in agony before collapsing. On the screen is a huge image of the Ghostface mask, almost like he is watching her die. Then we see the theater patrons looking shocked and taking there masks off, finally realizing this was no joke. Its just such a brutal kill and that it happens in front of all these people, while a parody of the opening scene from the first movie plays, makes it very memorable.
Honorable Mention: Scream 4: Rachel and Stab 7. I got to say the opening of Scream 4 was brilliant. The perfect way to get people back into the Scream mind frame. Like you see the opening and it seems kind of weak (You get to see 2 Ghostfaces in action, though something we have never seen) But then we find out its Stab 6. Cut to Anna Paquin and Kristen Bell, watching Stab, dissecting horror movies, dissecting the dissecting of horror movies. Anna Paquin goes on her spiel about how it’s all been done before, no more surprises. Then BAM Kristen Bell stabs her in the stomach. Didn’t see that coming. According to Kristen it was because she talk to much. And then she adds “Just shut the *beep* up and watch the movie” Then we find out that was the opening of Stab 7. Very Meta.
1. Scream: Casey Becker, Steve Orth and Horror Movie History. Okay this probably ain’t a surprise to anyone. And really what can I say about this scene that hasn’t already been said. But hey I’ve come this far. Now I have an interest in writing and stuff and I got to say, this is the kind of scene I wish I could have thought of. I mean it really was brilliant, build up Drew like she was the star of the movie and then bump her off in the first scene. I mean its like the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark, if you wanted to explain all four Indiana movies to someone, all you would have to do it show the opening of Raiders. You know with the golden idol and the falling boulder. That just sums up the whole saga. And it’s the same thing with the opening of Scream, sums up all four movies. The scene is just so creepy. I’ve never been a big Drew fan, from ET all the way to whatever crap she’s does now with Adam Sandler, I always thought she was pretty …meh. But she was good in this. That one part. “Why do you want to know my name?” “Because I want to know who Im looking at.” Just the way her face drops. It’s so real, it’s so scary. And you know you really do think she is gonna get away. Even when that knife plunges in you still think she might have a chance. And then when she runs over to her parents and she is trying to yell but she is to hurt to make any noise. And they walk by her without seeing her. It’s heartbreaking. And the parents were good to, they walk into the house, the popcorn is on fire, the place is filled with smoke. Just how they start panicking. And then when they can hear her over the phone, moaning and groaning. And then the phone clicks off. It’s like every parent’s worst nightmare. Its just such a great introduction to Ghostface. I mean that first time you get a good look at him, when Drew sees him in the window. Perfect. Oh yeah and Steve got gutted to. That was pretty *beep* up.

Well that’s my list. What do u guys think? Make your list as long or short as u want and feel free to pick ones I’ve already talked about. Just do your best to be specific.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Olivia getting a knife through her hand. Ouch!

Sherry and Trudie getting there's.
