MovieChat Forums > Scream 3 (2000) Discussion > The trivia section on this page is out o...

The trivia section on this page is out of hand

I just browsed the imdb trivia section for Scream 3. Rolled my eyes at half of the posts because of all the fake casting choices. It's as if someone sat behind their computer and just decided to make up a bunch of lies about the casting process lol. Ben Affleck was considered for a role but they went with someone else? Sorry, but as much as I love the Scream movies, come on.

Ben Affleck, a huge movie star even back then, as well as an Academy Award nominee/winner (he already was at the time), most likely would not have "auditioned" for a slasher movie called "Scream 3". Same with Christopher Walken.

And KATE WINSLET was a "contender" for Christine?? Yeah right. I doubt after starring in "Titanic" a year and a half before, Kate would want to follow that up by being killed off first in a slasher movie. Lol. I mean, I guess one could argue that Drew Barrymore got killed off first in the first movie, and she was pretty famous...but people seem to forget that Drew's career was at a low point in 1995/1996. People knew who she was, but they saw her as a troubled former child star at the time (because of the drugs and stint in rehab she had done). She didn't really make the "A List" until she did "Never Been Kissed" a few years later. She agreed to do the first Scream to build up her resume/filmography.

I wonder how high the contributor was to write all these fake casting choices and submit them to imdb. They're pretty hilarious. They're all so out of nowhere. Where is this information even coming from? Haha. Such random lies.

The only one who I vaguely remember actually turning down a role was Alicia Silverstone.


Good question. Well, the Kate Winslet one, I do get that one. I read another post here that said Christine Hamilton's actress Kelly Rutherhood had the same level of intensity almost British with her WTF line as Kate Winslet. Guess someone had a sense of humor, got carried away, and put Kate Winslet in trivia page just for kicks or maybe it wasn't Bulls***. I was 10 when this movie came out and hated horror films, so I had no idea what was going on Hollywood for casting.

Omar Epps & Jada Pinkett Smith were doing well if I'm not mistaken when both starred in Scream 2 only to be wasted before 12 minutes went in. Hell, Jada Pinkett Smith starred as Carly in The Nutty Professor with Eddie Murphy the year before and she was good as the feisty yet sexy girlfriend of quirky obese Professor Klump. That must have got her name out there. Opening for other actresses like Neve Campbell - somebody's got to do it. She had small roles up until The Craft and then Scream and she was back on the map pretty steady for several years.


To be honest, the original Scream was the only one to have a big star killed in the opening. (Scream 4 Recut Trailer)


Well, Scream did make being in a horror movie a hip thing to do at the time. The FOURTH Child's Play managed to pull in Jennifer Tilly just a few years after being nominated for a Woody Allen movie.

That said...Winselt and Affleck are laughable. I'm sure the latter must be based on the fact that in the original script the opening victim was an actor ingeniously named "Ben Damon".

I can buy Walken, though. A "yes" to Kangaroo Jack and The Country Bears, but Scream 3 is beneath his dignity? Hell, he was in a *straight to video* horror threequel THAT YEAR directed by... Scream 3's editor.



I hate when they say "So and so was considered for such and such a part". Well, that's great. Consider them all you want - it doesn't mean they want any part of the movie. I can say that i'm considering George Clooney to play me in my future biopic, but in the end, it's just talk.

I'm more interested in who actually auditioned or screen-tested for the roles.


They actually did mention Ben Affleck was up for Scream 3 on some Entertainment show back in late '98. They said and quote "Mirimax Darling Ben Affleck".

The opening character was also at one point going to be a Hollywood Actor named Ben Damon.....So it's not a huge stretch.

"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"


I actually recall Affleck's name being mentioned when the movie was in pre-production too - and that didn't seem implausible considering his association with both Miramax and Kevin Smith (who had a cameo in the film). I can't comment on Christopher Walken (other than to say he was starring in "The Prophecy" flicks around the same time) or Kate Winslett... but you gotta remember that the "Scream" movies were abso-friggin-lutely HUGE, spawning a whole genre of inferior wannabe whodunnit slasher clones.


The OP obviously doesn't realize how big the Scream movies really were at the time or how many lesser films all these actors took. Ben Affleck was in Phantoms which was a complete piece of garbage. He has also expressed many times that he has always been a fan of Wes Craven. He made Reindeer Games the same year that Scream 3 was released and that was nowhere near as big a movie.
The Scream series all had big name cameos for the opening kills except for 3 where they actually used a character who had ties to the rest of the story. Jada Pinkett was pretty A list at the time that Scream 2 was made. Though, that may have been more for her relationship with Will Smith than for her films to that point. Drew Barrymore's career was at a high point contrary to what an earlier poster stated. She had just had back to back successes the previous year with Boys On The Side and Mad Love.
Is it so hard to believe that an actor would want to do a cameo in the biggest horror franchise of the time simply because they like the movies and want to be a part of them?


I'm a huge Winslet fan and would have loved to see her in Scream 3. Knowing her, she'd have given that brief role her all, and made it an even more memorable prologue.


Ben Affleck was considered for a role but they went with someone else? Sorry, but as much as I love the Scream movies, come on.

Ben Affleck, a huge movie star even back then, as well as an Academy Award nominee/winner (he already was at the time), most likely would not have "auditioned" for a slasher movie called "Scream 3". Same with Christopher Walken.

You yourself say he was "considered" and then say he never would have "auditioned."

Being considered and auditioning are two very different things.

Very good. But brick not hit back!
