MovieChat Forums > Scream 3 (2000) Discussion > Why would Cotton know where Sidney was?

Why would Cotton know where Sidney was?

I mean why is it Roman's so sure Cotton knows where Sidney is? I mean you got Dewey who's really close to Sidney and treats her almost like a daughter, you got her dad who if anyone would know where she was hiding it would be him.

Why go after Cotton for the info? Sidney and Cotton was never close and only briefly got along at the end of Scream 2, but i doubt she'd keep in contact with him and let him know where she was.

I just always thought Sidney's dad or Dewey should have been the first victim, if anyone in the film would know where Sidney was it would be them. Cotton seemed like such a random choice to go after for the info.

Plus it always pissed me off how soon he was killed, Cotton imo should have survived until the end and sacrificed himself in some way for Sidney. I just hated that lame death he got with the wacky bouncy sound when he got hit with the bookshelf then just got stabbed.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


Cotton was a high-profile celebrity by then, so the killer may have figured the chance of him having connections. I agree though, weird first choice to try and get the information from.


Cotton seemed like such a random choice to go after for the info.

Because it WAS a random choice. The opening victim was supposed to be an actor with nothing to do with Sidney creatively named "Ben Damon", then someone said "why not kill Cotton?" The notion that Cotton would know Sidney's whereabouts is indeed laughable, but they weren't gonna kill off Dewey in the first 10 minutes, while no one cares enough about Sid's dad for him to helm the big opening.

As for his weak death, it was originally more extended with him trying to climb onto the roof and stuff, but they basically thought it made him look like a pussy.


