MovieChat Forums > The Rugrats Movie (1998) Discussion > What was the most scariest part of the m...

What was the most scariest part of the movie

What do you think was the most scariest part of the movie and why?

Mine would have to be the scenes with the wolf.



Well I won't class it as scary as I'm 22 now haha. But I think the bit where the lightning is going off and the kids see faces in the trees.

I think we've all had those moments when we see something and it looks like something horrible haha. I remember I left my clothes on my chair and when I turned the light out it looked like someone standing there lmao. Gotta laugh though.


When spike fell in the river. I though he was gone forever.

You'll Never Walk Alone


the Wolf isn't necessarily scary, but is scary in his representation now that i think about it. i wasn't scared by Tommy's rage towards Dil later on, but i was definitely emotionally disturbed by it at age 7!
