MovieChat Forums > The Siege (1998) Discussion > Offended Muslim Logic

Offended Muslim Logic

Here's what happened. This movie offended Muslims because it portrayed them as terrorists. So they bombed Planet Hollywood in cape town south Africa on the day the movie opened and killed 26 people. Muslim Logic 101. This is what we're dealing with and for a people so offended by us they plan a Million Muslim March on DC on September 11th 2013. If that isn't a show of force, intimidation and insensitivity then i don't know what is and i personally believe that every Muslim that attends should be executed for treason or deported back to a muslim theocracy of their choice.


I agree. What liberals in this country don't understand about their religion and every time some bleeding hearts go on to separate `the good Muslims ` they are making a mistake. In Koran, your goal is toBecome a martyr; it's the highest honor. Ultimately, the religion doesn't preach peace, but violence. If they don't follow it and work with `infidels`, they are not good Muslims. People need to open their eyes and face reality!


The Cape Town bombing wounded that many people and killed one, and it was likely in retaliation for the US bombing of targets in Sudan and Afghanistan following the '98 embassy bombings.

That correction out of the way, the vast majority of terrorists are indeed Muslim. I hate how they always try to be politically correct yet try to turn the tables on us and say it is always white Christians who are terrorists.


Well, Oklahoma City. C'mon...


muslims are scum. I'm offended by their ideology
