MovieChat Forums > The Faculty (1998) Discussion > Mary Beth's finger turning into a tentac...

Mary Beth's finger turning into a tentacle in the flashback

Ok that was total bullshit and a slap in the face to the audience, at the end when Mary Beth reveals how she passed the Skat test, we get a flashback showing her nostrils close up and her finger turning into a tentacle to take the bottom of the pen out to get rid of the Skat.

Ok i can accept those plugs popping up inside her nose to block the skat, cause theres no way we or the other characters could have noticed that. But what i can't accept is her finger suddenly turning into a giant tentacle and emptying the skat, wouldn't one of them obviously notice that?

Plus when you go back and watch the actual scene her finger doesn't turn into a tentacle, and the way she takes the skat is completely different, in the actual scene she snorts it and falls back, when she does it in the flashback at the end she calmly snorts it without falling back and her finger turns into a tentacle and slowly empties the pen with it.

The film blatantly lied to us and showed us something completely different than what we saw.
