MovieChat Forums > Best Laid Plans (1999) Discussion > Carbondioxide in the nostrils??!

Carbondioxide in the nostrils??!

Thats a new one.

Didnt get it. What kinda damage does it do? Sounds like a jackassprank when he says it.... =)


Do you mean the soda? He says Carbonation in the sinuses.

It hurts like hell - if you've ever sneezed or something with soda in your mouth, it's that.

But yeah, I laughed when he said it, because it sure doesn't sound like a very bad-ass way of torturing someone.


I thought that it was kinda stupid, I have sneezed coke through my nose and it burns like heck.... but it wouldn't make me tell someone anything, and I would rather have them pour soda in my nose than beat me.


I thought that it was kinda stupid, I have sneezed coke through my nose and it burns like heck.... but it wouldn't make me tell someone anything, and I would rather have them pour soda in my nose than beat me.

sneezing it is one thing, being strapped to a chair and having it forced up your nose, not only burning like hell but nearly suffocating on it too.


It's like waterboarding. Of course it doesn't sound bad if you just talk about pouring some water on someone's face through a rag. But if you keep doing it, constantly, it becomes unbearable. Also they were just playing with him, making it seem like they were *beep* around just for fun at his expense.


very new. too new.

Oh, and remember, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day.


I doubt it does anything but it didn't have to do anything other than have an effect on Nick.

