A disgrace!!

It's so childish and hasn't got the same humour like the comics. A true disgrace!!


I agree, it was far below my expectations. This movie was supposed to be the French answer to Hollywood...

The effects were not impressive (I was really hoping to see some action when they kicked the Romans out, but they just fly up).
Extremely dumb was the scene where Obelix explicitly needs a codeword to help Asterix and Caesar even helps him??

One little joke could have been good, when Caesars refers to his son Brutus. That could have been a cute 'inside' joke for some adults, but they put it in in a very artificial way, and when a joke is not particularly fantastic, you shouldn't stretch it out like that.


"Extremely dumb was the scene where Obelix explicitly needs a codeword to help Asterix and Caesar even helps him?? "

I couldn't agree more! In fact this is one of my main complaints about this movie, as this departs so drastically from Obelix as we know him in comics. I mean, yeah he is quite simple, but he's not that stupid as he is portrayed in that scene.


Well you don't seem to be aware of the difference between literature and film.
Thats why you alway refer to the comics. Comic is comics and film is film . You are comparing apple to oranges and therefore you are wrong.


Also, the movie rules. Asterix and Obelix always carry a certain type of story through a certain type of comedy. The film and the comic did it each in their respective ways. Some ways can't be used in a comic but are indispensible in a movie and vice versa. Just stop complaining, sit down, and enjoy the show.

Now what do you see? Tell me what you like. I like romans. Especially when they get the snot kicked out of them. I dare everyone to watch the movie and claim they didn't laugh when those romans came on the screen at the end dressed up as a birthday cake. Come on. That was hilarious.

The second movie was cool too. Come on. I know you want to...

Oh wow. What? Did I say something? Never mind.


The movie was good. I read the comics too. They are different but still good in their own way.

Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre


I think that if this movie has any major flaws, it is probably that it attempts to press to many of the comics into it. I count Asterix the Gaul, Asterix and the Soothsayer, Asterix the Legionary, and I probably missed a few references. The point is, with those comics and the new material, everything seems a bit rushed and a little disjointed, especially during the first half. I would rather that they had left something out and explored the rest more. Overall I liked the movie, but yes, it does have its errors. I would not call it a disgrace, far from it. I have no doubts that the moviemakers are huge fans of Asterix, but as said, I would have preferred the adaption of one comic, as opposed to several of them in one movie.

At the top of the mountain, we are all Snow Leopards. -Dr. Hunter S. Thompson


it's quite fun.


THIS is a disgrace? The following two movies were far worse. This one at least had SOME of the original humor of the comics. The sequels concentrate far too much on references to movies and pop-culture.


I disagree.. Of all the three liveaction-movies this one is by far the best. It gives the animated features and the comics a run for their money and THEN some..

"I rather have a bottle in front of me than have to have a frontal lobotomy"
