lyrics help

can anyone help me find the lyrics to "the world from way up here" it was a song by allison krauss on "annabelle's wish" I have searched everywhere, please help.
[email protected]


Did you ever find the Lyrics? I'm looking for them too. thanks.


Hi. I've listened to the song and I understand the lyrics. I'll write them down in the e-mail for you

wish i may
wish i might
on my favorite star
let me feel let me see
the world from where you are
someday soon mister moon
i will touch your face
i'll flutter by
lady butterfly challenging us to a chase
round and round and up and down no boundaries no fear
my heart was born to dream to see
the world from way up here
mountain high valley low
where the wind is free
i will feel i wll know
the world the angels see
mister sun i will run
rings around your sky
and down below they'll finally know
that this heart was made to fly

way up here playing hide and seek in rainbows
way up here where i'm supposed to be


omg i know. i love that song but i cant find it anywhere. maybe she only recorded it for that move. i also want to find that song that randy travis sings during the part where they're going through the different seasons, so if some one knows the name of that..let me know. I LOVE ANNABELLE'S WISH=) favorite x-mas moviee right there
